
Here you will find R&D projects in the field of climate-neutral cities, which were funded as part of initiatives of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), such as "TIKS" or "City of the Future".

There are 85 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

Counterintuitive Building Types - Innovation Potentials for Sustainable Transformation of Commercial and Retail Locations

Selected commercial retail and properties provide existing resources for this project’s case studies that will convert and further develop them towards more positive energy, use, and life cycle balances. The currently underperforming properties will be transformed into more active and attractive places of higher experiential density and environmental relevance through multiplication of space and uses in the interior and exterior areas, demonstrating opportunities for more sustainable development of these understudied building typologies.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Decarb Alt Erlaa - Transformation of Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district

Exploration of a transformation of the Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district based on systematic potential analyses regarding structural measures, building technology measures and a sociological monitoring of the transformation process. The result of the exploratory study serves as a starting point for implementing the measures in a follow-up project.

Stadt der Zukunft

DieWärmePioniere - Participatory climate transformation roadmap as basis for a demo district in the gas-supplied Kahlenbergerdorf

Development of a transformation roadmap for the decarbonization of a neighborhood and implementation of a subarea. Securing acceptance of the project and raising awareness through an active participation process of the population and the establishment of an energy community for heat supply.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ECO-Transformation - Energy transformation through community building, sufficiency and serial solutions using the example of the "Cottage District"

Combining technical and environmental-psychological expertise to develop a transformation process towards a climate-neutral neighbourhood based on the methods of community building, sufficiency potential and serial implementation solutions using the example of the Cottage Quarter. Preparation of the serial implementation of the developed solutions and the transformation process.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ELEMENTS - Development of a procedure for the evaluation of elements of the post-war building stock (1960 - 1979) in Graz, Austria

Investigation of the building stock constructed in Graz between 1960 and 1980 with the aim of creating the basis for developing a potential analysis procedure regarding its preservation and refurbishment. Stakeholders, including those from the fields of planning and building practice, will be involved in the development of the results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Earthen building 2.0: Earthen building of the future - The art of craftsmanship based on engineering approaches

The exploratory project investigates the suitability of fiber optic sensors for the long-term monitoring of the deformation behavior of rammed earth wall elements under moisture and temperature fluctuations (shrinkage) as well as loads (creep). The experimental findings will be integrated into a finite element model to simulate failure behavior under load.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

EnerPHit-for-2040 - EnerPHit for a climate-resilient St. Johann

St. Johann wants to set an example for other municipalities by developing a climate roadmap with feasible and financially viable measures.

Stadt der Zukunft

F4WM - Fit4WienerMission

Preparation for the EU Urban Mission by updating goals and strategies (Smart City Wien Framework strategy, Climate-Roadmap), developing a manual for climate-neutral Viennese neighbourhoods and concepts for the participation of citizens (Climate Citizens' Council) and businesses (Climate Agreements), as well as a city-internal capacity and structural planning.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Favorite Facades Reuse

The exploratory project "Favorite Facade ReUse" has set itself the goal of renovating and thermally upgrading buildings with curtain facades with a maximum proportion of reuse and the greatest possible protection of the residents. The authenticity of the building is preserved, and CO2 emissions are minimized.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FluccoSan - Circular energy flexibility for resilient, climate-neutral refurbishments

FluccoSan aims to develop innovative and cost-effective refurbishment solutions for the building sector that contribute to achieving the Austrian federal government's climate targets. The focus is on energy-efficient, minimally invasive and socially acceptable measures, so-called “dynamic renovations”. By integrating the circular economy and social science research, these solutions should ensure long-term sustainability and a high level of acceptance among users. Status: ongoing

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Stadt der Zukunft

GeoDatKlim - Preparation of an innovation lab - IoT and geo-AI-supported data management for the climate-neutral city

Preparation of a real laboratory that will enable numerous actors to research the actual benefits of urban data or their AI-supported analysis for a climate-neutral city. By clarifying strategic, technical and legal aspects as well as potential analyses along relevant use cases, the framework conditions for an open, multi-year research environment (real laboratory) in Vienna are set in motion.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoHub - Sustainable heat management of near-surface geothermal energy in urban environments

Innovative approaches to streamline geothermal projects from planning to operation, ensuring they are climate-neutral, resource-efficient, and economically viable.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

HEATbucket - Urban underground thermal energy storages to enable energy transition

In urban areas, the heat supply and cooling of buildings is one of the key challenges in the course of the energy transition. With HEATbucket, a structural engineering solution is to be investigated for the realisation of underground heat storage in built-up areas. In addition to the technical challenges, the focus is on the general feasibility and the impact on the subsoil and groundwater.

Stadt der Zukunft

INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate neutral Innsbruck 2030

Cities are the place where decarbonization strategies for energy, transport and buildings intersect. A few years ago, the municipality of Innsbruck set up a Smart City Group consisting of staff from the municipality, IIG, IKB and IVB to address this challenge. The goal of INN'F4UM is to develop a step-by-step plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city by 2030, building on an up-to-date representation of energy and resource flows together with the University of Innsbruck.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

K3 - Climate-neutral Klagenfurt Clinic

As part of Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee's climate neutrality ambitions, the focus is on the development of climate-neutral districts with a wide variety of functions and uses in the city area. In collaboration with the state hospital operating company - KABEG, a climate neutrality roadmap for the Klagenfurt clinic district is being developed with scientific support from JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.

Stadt der Zukunft

KING, KlimaINnovationsstadt Graz - Strategies and actions for a climate-neutral Graz

With the preparation of a climate protection plan by autumn 2021, a central cornerstone for achieving climate neutrality in Graz has been laid. KING builds on this climate protection plan and further develops and specifies the key measures defined therein in a comprehensive participation and consultation process.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMADEMO VIS-A-VIS: Participatory realization of a climate-neutral demonstration building Vis-à-Vis

Participatory development of a pilot project at the interface between climate neutrality, affordability and multi-storey wooden housing based on well-founded decision-making bases in terms of renewable materials and renewable energies. The result is a multipliable carbon neutral building and the dissemination of carbon neutrality know-how to a larger audience.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMDO - Urban energy and climate strategy of the city of Dornbirn as basis for achieving climate neutrality by 2030

A central goal of the project is to obtain detailed knowledge of energy consumption, energy consumption flows and energy potentials including spatialization in the entire urban araea of Dornbirn. Based on this data, various scenarios are to be elaborated that map possible developments in the city. Subsequently, the basis for an energy and climate strategy based on the vision of climate neutrality will be prepared.