Innovation Labs
There are 5 results.
GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities
The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.
KRAISBAU - Development of AI tools for a transformation to a circular economy along the life cycle of buildings
The BMK lead project KRAISBAU is a collaboration of 32 partners for the realization of a sustainable and circular construction industry. The project focuses on the development and implementation of AI-supported solutions in circular construction along the entire value chain. The knowledge gained is disseminated through factsheets, roadmaps and training courses with the aim of establishing scalable and efficient approaches for existing buildings.
GrünStattGrau – Innovations for Greening Cities "The green living laboratory"
GrünStadtGrau represents the holistic of competence for green building technologies such as green roofs and living walls in Austria. It generates impulses for urban green infrastructure on buildings and links innovative products and projects, supports through know-how and analysis for implementation processes. GrünStattGrau guides urban and participatory strategies from development to implementation.
DigitalFindetStadt - Platform for digital innovations in the building sector
"Digital Findet Stadt" strengthens the digital innovation power of the Austrian building sector and thus contributes to a significant increase in resource, energy and cost efficiency.
RENOWAVE.AT - The innovation lab for sustainable, climate-neutral renovation of buildings and districts
RENOWAVE.AT will act as a central contact point for collaboration in innovation projects and provide systematic and early access to as well as promote innovative, scalable renovation concepts and sustainable renovation technologies within real development environments (open innovation principle).