Demo Projects

There are 14 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

Build4Climate - Demonstration building with a climate room concept at the Innovation Quarter Lavanttal in Carinthia

Near the Wörthersee in Carinthia a modern open-space research and office building with flexible use is being built on the site of Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH. The innovative building will be implemented as a frontrunner with a 'climate room' concept based on thermal component activation and extensive use of renewable energy sources.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Kolpingquarter Salzburg - on site quarter energy supply with an optimized warmwater solution and grid serviceability

In a quarter on the site of the Kolpinghaus Salzburg, consisting of a youth residence and a hotel, energy optimizations and extensions are being carried out. This includes the construction of an affordable residential building for young people and families as well as the redesign of the overall energy supply of the neighborhood. The goals are to maximize the use of on-site renewable energy, phase out fossil fuel heat supply, interconnect the buildings, and optimize energy efficiency.

Klimaneutrale Stadt


The CEPA energy facade is an innovative building refurbishment system with an external active energy level. The aim is to revolutionize the refurbishment market. The development of the system focuses on holistic solutions for the thermal-energetic refurbishment of buildings.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ECO-Transformation - Energy transformation through community building, sufficiency and serial solutions using the example of the "Cottage District"

Combining technical and environmental-psychological expertise to develop a transformation process towards a climate-neutral neighbourhood based on the methods of community building, sufficiency potential and serial implementation solutions using the example of the Cottage Quarter. Preparation of the serial implementation of the developed solutions and the transformation process.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ZEBdemo - Development and demonstration of a scalable zero emission building for the realization of climate-neutral cities

The ZEBdemo project is developing and demonstrating a scalable zero-emission building that drastically reduces CO2 equivalent emissions during the construction phase by using building materials such as clay bricks and straw insulation. At the same time, operational emissions are minimized through an intelligent, data-driven energy management system.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehmKur - Rammed earth walls for multi-storey residential buildings

Research of a lighthouse project consisting of rammed earth-timber exterior wall components with accompanying ecological life cycle analysis, building physics simulations and documentation of the necessary logistical, building law, fire and soundproofing measures.

Klimaneutrale Stadt


The MEIDLINGER L modular rank shelf system is intended to enable the widespread use of façade greening in existing urban areas. In combination with thermal refurbishment of existing buildings as well as greening, PV, water management, conversion of street space and mobility with the integration of resilient energy infrastructure as well as the application of a customized financing model and a service offer for multiplicability.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LeiSan - Flagship Project: Renovation of the Komposch-Ebene Residential Quarter in Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia

Exploration for an existing quarter in Bad Eisenkappel with the goal of renovating the building stock, involving the residents, the open space, mobility, and local generation of renewable energy. The result should demonstrate the economic feasibility of a holistic concept for the quarter and serve as a basis for a demonstration project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Decarb Alt Erlaa - Transformation of Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district

Exploration of a transformation of the Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district based on systematic potential analyses regarding structural measures, building technology measures and a sociological monitoring of the transformation process. The result of the exploratory study serves as a starting point for implementing the measures in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Smart Dag - smart and climate-neutral renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate

For a smart and sustainable renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate in the city of Klagenfurt, a residential area from the 1950/1960s, the existing housing stock (buildings, green and open space, social structure) will be analysed and assessed based on the "Quartier &Wir" guide. The results are the basis for the launch of an architectural competition. The residents of the area who still live on site and the housing development agency of the department of the provincial Carinthian Government are involved in the feasibility study. The aim is to transfer the results of the study to other renovation projects and thus contribute to achieving the city of Klagenfurt's climate goals.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 - Living in existing buildings today: climate-friendly renovations in existing buildings within the framework of the common good housing law

The LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 project examines innovative renovation solutions for the climate-fit modernization of non-profit residential buildings without placing a financial burden on tenants. By implementing a flexible modular system and involving the residents, economic, technical and social aspects of the renovation are optimized. The aim is to make an important contribution to achieving climate neutrality by 2040 through adapted measures and comprehensive monitoring.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ResourceRevival - District development from industry site to resource neutrality in Möllersdorf

The reuse of building elements is a much-discussed topic, but a truly circular district encompasses much more. Through interdisciplinary cooperation as part of a co-creative concept development at the Werk Möllersdorf, previously separately considered aspects of the circular economy are combined, symbioses between demand and availability of materials, energy, rainwater and grey water are identified and their circularity is maximized.

Stadt der Zukunft

DREI x NULL = NULL - Research project on climate-neutral construction in all life cycle phases based on three demonstration buildings

The aim of the F&E project is the realization of three different residential buildings, which are all climate-neutral in the life cycle phases of construction, operation and dismantling. The aim is to create exemplary showcase projects for the future residential construction sector.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.