Decarb Alt Erlaa - Transformation of Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district

Exploration of a transformation of the Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district based on systematic potential analyses regarding structural measures, building technology measures and a sociological monitoring of the transformation process. The result of the exploratory study serves as a starting point for implementing the measures in a follow-up project.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

Decarb Alt Erlaa explores the possibilities of transforming the Wohnpark Alt Erlaa, one of Austria's largest residential complexes and a leading social housing project with supra-regional appeal, into a climate-neutral district; with the elements of thermal refurbishment, decarbonization of the heating system, social science support, exploration of innovative technologies for CO2 binding in operation and a systematic risk analysis.

Contents and goals

With its unusual dimensions of 3,000 flats within 340,000 square meters of gross floor area, its architectural-historical and socio-economic significance and its building standard from the 1970s and 1980s, the residential complex offers very promising but also very challenging conditions for the development of a climate-neutral district.

The exploration of a transformation to a climate-neutral neighbourhood expands and deepens the previous planning work and extends its goals.


The project includes systematic potential analyses regarding structural engineering measures, building technology measures and social science support for the transformation process. It also includes the feasibility analysis of innovative out-of-the-box technologies for CO2 binding in operation as well as a systematic risk analysis. The project's office-based dimension makes it suitable for initiating and implementing substantial technological and social innovations.

Expected results

In the event of a positive outcome of the exploratory study, it is planned to implement the measures developed, i.e. to carry out the transformation to a climate-neutral neighbourhood and to continue to provide scientific support in a three-year cooperative R&D project.


Project Partners

Project management

IBR&I Institute of Building Research & Innovation ZT GmbH

Project or cooperation partners

  • Gemeinnützige Wohnungsaktiengesellschaft Wohnpark Alt-Erlaa
  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Institut für Verfahrens- und Energietechnik
  • wohnbund:consult eG

Contact Address

DI Dr. Peter Holzer
Wipplingerstraße 23/3
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (1) 581 131 9 801