New European Bauhaus

Launched in 2020, the EU initiative "New European Bauhaus" (NEB) is guided by the values of "sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion." The fundamental idea is to connect science, architecture, design, art, planning, and civil society to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050 within the framework of the European Green Deal.

The Bauhaus initiative explores how buildings and entire neighborhoods can be carefully constructed or sustainably renovated with a focus on the goal of climate neutrality by 2040. Research, innovation, and culture play a crucial role, and the implementation of groundbreaking concepts is to be accelerated through research and demonstration projects.

In addition to "Horizon Europe" other EU programs will contribute to the implementation of measures, including the "European Regional Development Fund" (ERDF), "Erasmus+" programs, the "Creative Europe Programme" (CREA), and the "Single Market Programme" (SMP).

Austria aligns its national funding programs and activities with European objectives. The EU initiative "New European Bauhaus" provides an opportunity to position Austrian expertise in sustainable construction and renovation on the international stage, strengthen the sustainable construction industry, and initiate pilot projects in Austria. The Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK) serves as the national contact point in Austria for the EU Commission.

The "Bauhaus Österreich" initiative has established a central platform for networking. This supports interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration among relevant ministries and promotes the networking of stakeholders in architecture, building culture, building research, building planning, construction, and operation to develop joint solutions for local challenges. The national contact point coordinates NEB activities in Austria and encourages participation in European initiatives.

National NEB projects and events


NEBKrit - Quality criteria for buildings and neighbourhoods on the basis of the New European Bauhaus


New European Bauhaus - Jour Fixe Österreich

Themenforum: "Das Neue Europäische Bauhaus – Wie lässt sich die ausgerufene Renaissance des Handwerks mit den Zielen des European Green Deal vereinbaren?" (14. Oktober 2022, Dornbirn)