LeiSan - Flagship Project: Renovation of the Komposch-Ebene Residential Quarter in Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia

Exploration for an existing quarter in Bad Eisenkappel with the goal of renovating the building stock, involving the residents, the open space, mobility, and local generation of renewable energy. The result should demonstrate the economic feasibility of a holistic concept for the quarter and serve as a basis for a demonstration project.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

The neighborhood project in the community of Bad Eisenkappel-Vellach, Carinthia, aims to improve the energy efficiency of a residential complex from the 1960s. The neighbourhood consists of several municipal buildings that are at the end of their life cycle and need to be renovated. There is a need for action to improve energy quality and achieve climate goals. The municipality plans to enhance the quality of life, attract young people, and reduce traffic.

Contents and goals

An exploration is being carried out to evaluate the redesign of the neighbourhood under climate-relevant and social aspects. The renovation should be socially compatible and maintain the rent level. Synergies should be used and barriers reduced. The outdoor space should be upgraded and the potential for densification evaluated. Special attention is paid to the needs of social fringe groups. A high proportion of locally generated renewable energy and stronger sector coupling are intended to guarantee an attractive offer with stable energy prices in the long term.

The renovation of the residential quarter aims to make these buildings climate-fit and improve the quality of life without displacing residents. The aim is to preserve the existing stock as much as possible and increase energy efficiency using communal renewable energy generation systems. The goal is an implementation concept that serves as a demonstration project and can subsequently be submitted to the housing subsidy office. The exploration contributes to achieving climate neutrality and provides valuable insights for other projects.


The exploration answers questions about the ideal approach to renovation and considers interdisciplinary aspects such as mobility, social space, energy, green and open space concepts. The project partners involved develop variants for a holistic renovation and further development of the quarter.

The planning regards the needs of the residents through the involvement and participation in workshops for themes as financing of a climate-friendly energy concept, the challenges of a mobility concept, and the upgrading of green and open spaces. Despite the focus on climate protection, the human being is at the centre of the project. A gender-equitable project implementation is guaranteed. The planning also reflects on special needs, such as apartments for single parents and the redesign of fear spaces.

Expected results

The interdisciplinary planning of the renovation of the Komposch-Ebene residential quarter aims at sustainable development and high approval from users through participation. The goal is a ready-to-submit demonstration project that can serve as a template for similar projects throughout Austria.

The project provides transferable foundations for climate-neutral renovations of existing buildings and prepares a demonstration project. The results are intended to be replicable in other rural municipalities and shared in networks.

Project Partners

Project management

Municipality of Eisenkappel-Vellach

Project or cooperation partners

  • Hohengasser Wirnsberger Architekten ZT-GmbH
  • Joyjoy studio ZT-GmbH
  • Renowave.at eG

Contact Address

Marktgemeinde Eisenkappel Vellach
Christian Sadolschek
Bad Eisenkappel 260
A-9135 Bad Eisenkappel
Tel.: +43 (4238) 83 11 20
E-mail: christian.sadolschek@ktn.gde.at
Web: www.bad-eisenkappel.info