GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

To meet the challenges of climate change in cities and regions, standardized and widely available data and models are needed to deepen the understanding of urban environmental phenomena, make informed decisions and develop innovative approaches to climate protection.

One of the greatest challenges of our time is to transform cities in a targeted manner toward climate neutrality in the coming years. In order to steer the transformation of cities in a purposeful way, it must be ensured that decisions are made on the basis of reliable data. Drawing on previously unused data sources for overall urban development is therefore an immediate prerequisite for green urban transformation.

Content and objectives

The innovation lab Vienna Geospace Hub will help to optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data for solving complex urban challenges. Accurate analysis, processing and use of geo- and satellite data offers enormous potential to deepen our understanding of urban environmental phenomena, make informed decisions and develop innovative approaches to climate change mitigation.

Up to now, administrative and planning processes have been based primarily on existing geoinformation or on mobile mapping data collected at longer intervals. A systematic combination of these data with satellite data freely available in the Green Transition Information Factory (GTIF) creates the breeding ground for new, innovative solutions and processes. The innovation laboratory is concerned with the best quality, structure and way to generate geodata so that, after scientifically guided processing, they can be merged with existing data and analysed (by machine) with less effort.

Methodical approach

In addition to the high-quality processing, consolidation and evaluation of the data, the core task of the laboratory is to make it available in such a way that it offers factual added value for the users of the innovation laboratory and the public sector. This added value can, for example, consist of energy or cost savings, or the reduction of negative externalities (e.g. heat, drought, water consumption, waste and pollutants, etc.).

The operating strategy of the non-economic innovation lab is to be self-sustaining in the long term with its service and support offers. To this end, the Innovation Lab will offer a unique combination of access to technology, data, know-how, and innovation methods.

Expected results

The goal is to create a combination that cannot be operated in the same way by individual local authorities, especially Austrian cities or individual companies, on their own. Building on hardware to be procured and intensive networking and communication effort, the innovation lab offers a platform for project development through to market entry.

In order to demonstrate that the specifications, standards and interfaces developed in the innovation lab also work in practice, full-fledged AI models are to be developed on the basis of innovative use cases after the establishment phase of the innovation lab and made available nationwide as an open-source system.

In order to avoid overlaps with other innovation labs and to utilize synergy effects, the innovation lab will position itself as a hub and networking place for interested parties, providers and users of (satellite) data-based solutions who want to network with other actors in the field of innovative climate protection.

Overall, the innovation lab provides added value for business, science, administrations and citizens by creating an innovation-promoting environment for use cases for climate neutrality of cities that increasingly rely on geoinformation and satellite data.

Project Partners

Project management

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

Contact Address

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH
Marie-Luise Bruckner, MSc
Operngasse 17-21
A-1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 (664) 883 25 393
Web: www.urbaninnovation.a