There are 49 results.
Baden climate neutral - Climate neutrality roadmap Baden near Vienna
The city aims to become climate-neutral by 2040.
Bregenz 2040 climate neutrality roadmap focussing on the electricity and heating transition, mobility and public acceptance
The central goal of the project is to create a consistent, comprehensive, and feasible roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in Bregenz by 2040.
CITYGovernance - Adjustments in the innovation ecosystem around regulatory framework conditions
The aim of the R&D service is to gain insights on obstacles and barriers to the overarching governance for achieving the goal of "climate neutrality of Austrian cities", to structure them and to prepare them in a publishable study. The study should focus on the areas of energy, buildings and mobility and contain recommendations for action on the necessary framework conditions and need for change.
Carbon Accounting Pioneer Cities - carbon accounting and climate neutral cities
With the mission climate neutral cities the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology has set a focus that will accelerate the achievement of climate and energy goals through research, technology and innovation. As part of this mission, the Environment Agency Austria will accompany and support the pioneer cities in creating a harmonized GHG balance sheet for cities. The harmonized GHG accounting forms the basis for the targeted alignment of strategies and measures to achieve climate neutrality in cities and communities.
City – Country – Climate: Four districts, one joint roadmap for a climate-neutral Gratwein-Straßengel
The aim is to initiate a structured and effective path towards climate neutrality 2035+ in the market town. In the context of the project, climate neutrality includes the topics of neighbourhoods and buildings, mobility and energy.
Climate Hub Vienna - Concept development and preparation of an innovation laboratory to accelerate Vienna’s path to climate neutrality
Preparation of an urban innovation laboratory to support decarbonisation in Vienna by 2040. The focus is on systemic innovation and accelerated roll-out of RTI projects through infrastructure, services, networking and the systematic involvement of city administration and users. The innovation lab is intended to strengthen the effectiveness of innovations and the participation of the Viennese in the transformation.
Climate Pioneer City Graz (KPS_Graz)
As an integral part of the ongoing Climate Change Mitigation Plan Graz process, the Climate Pioneer City Graz project with the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) will make a noticeable contribution to ensuring that the planned local processes and measures to achieve climate neutrality are implemented more quickly. This will be achieved primarily through the financing of additional climate protection experts in the city administration.
Climate Strategy 2040 by and with the municipality of Vöcklabruck
The municipality of Vöcklabruck is one of the first Climate Alliance municipalities in Upper Austria, a long-standing member of the Vöckla-Ager Climate and Energy Model Region (KEM) and regularly implements measures and projects in the field of climate protection.
Climate neutral Wiener Neustadt 2040
Wiener Neustadt wants to develop its own vision and implementation strategy for climate neutrality by 2040 and develop it in four steps.
Climate neutrality roadmap Feldkirch
Feldkirch has already implemented important measures in the field of climate and energy policy. The city is a member of a KEM and KLAR region and has been a very active e5-municipality since 2005.
Climate neutrality roadmap St. Veit/Glan
St. Veit/Glan aims at advancing to a beacon for other small Austrian towns by developing strategies, measures and for building the capacity, necessary for achieving climate neutrality by 2040.
Climate pioneer city Salzburg
The aim is to draw up a master plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city of Salzburg by 2040. Together with stakeholders, development and urban planning processes can be analyzed, targets set and the necessary resolutions obtained. The exchange with the other pioneering cities is intended to ensure the broadest possible exchange of knowledge and to exploit synergies.
Climate prevention model Feldbach 1.0
In Austria, Feldbach counts to the active players in the field of climate policy. It has already implemented numerous projects in the areas of climate protection and energy.
Counterintuitive Building Types - Innovation Potentials for Sustainable Transformation of Commercial and Retail Locations
Selected commercial retail and properties provide existing resources for this project’s case studies that will convert and further develop them towards more positive energy, use, and life cycle balances. The currently underperforming properties will be transformed into more active and attractive places of higher experiential density and environmental relevance through multiplication of space and uses in the interior and exterior areas, demonstrating opportunities for more sustainable development of these understudied building typologies.
DieWärmePioniere - Participatory climate transformation roadmap as basis for a demo district in the gas-supplied Kahlenbergerdorf
Development of a transformation roadmap for the decarbonization of a neighborhood and implementation of a subarea. Securing acceptance of the project and raising awareness through an active participation process of the population and the establishment of an energy community for heat supply.
ELEMENTS - Development of a procedure for the evaluation of elements of the post-war building stock (1960 - 1979) in Graz, Austria
Investigation of the building stock constructed in Graz between 1960 and 1980 with the aim of creating the basis for developing a potential analysis procedure regarding its preservation and refurbishment. Stakeholders, including those from the fields of planning and building practice, will be involved in the development of the results.
Earthen building 2.0: Earthen building of the future - The art of craftsmanship based on engineering approaches
The exploratory project investigates the suitability of fiber optic sensors for the long-term monitoring of the deformation behavior of rammed earth wall elements under moisture and temperature fluctuations (shrinkage) as well as loads (creep). The experimental findings will be integrated into a finite element model to simulate failure behavior under load.
EnerPHit-for-2040 - EnerPHit for a climate-resilient St. Johann
St. Johann wants to set an example for other municipalities by developing a climate roadmap with feasible and financially viable measures.
F4WM - Fit4WienerMission
Preparation for the EU Urban Mission by updating goals and strategies (Smart City Wien Framework strategy, Climate-Roadmap), developing a manual for climate-neutral Viennese neighbourhoods and concepts for the participation of citizens (Climate Citizens' Council) and businesses (Climate Agreements), as well as a city-internal capacity and structural planning.
GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities
The GeoDatKlim (Geospatial Data for Climate Neutral Cities) innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.