10., Rothneusiedl - climate model district Rothneusiedl: Preparation for the planned EU mission "New European Bauhaus"

Rothneusiedl will become a pioneering district for climate protection, climate adaptation and the circular economy. The existing RothNEUsiedl Charter outlines nine principles for making the district climate-friendly and inclusive. The dialogical and integrated process involves various target groups, including the planning and construction industry, future residents and businesses, in order to establish a local building culture at an early stage. NEB working principles are applied in order to support the parallel mission statement process.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

In Rothneusiedl, a neighborhood is being developed to serve as a model for climate protection, climate adaptation, and circular economy. The RothNEUsiedl Charter has established nine principles that aim to make the neighborhood climate-friendly and inclusive across a broad range of topics from energy and rainwater management to the integration of local characteristics.

The NEB-RothNEUsiedl project is laying the foundations for a vibrant local building culture on site. It aims to ignite enthusiasm for "giving change a face." This requires an open discourse about concerns and reservations regarding the existing goals for the neighborhood. To this end, various formats used by the city of Vienna are being utilized and further developed.

Contents and goals

The goal of NEB-RothNEUsiedl is to use a vibrant building culture to enhance acceptance of new forms of climate-appropriate living in the neighborhood, thereby ensuring the effective implementation of the planned measures.

To achieve this, a dialogical and integrated process has been designed to bring together different target groups and issues. In line with the working principles of the NEB Compass, differentiated formats are used to strengthen the parallel vision process. Special attention has been paid to ensuring a high diversity of participants.


The project utilizes a wide range of different formats. NEB forums are held as large public events by climate.lab. Expert interviews are conducted to outline the key points of a contemporary understanding of building culture at the neighborhood level. Thematic workshops form the core content and open the discourse to implementation experts on site. Interface meetings ensure that the results developed are incorporated into the parallel vision process.

Expected results

The central result is the NEB Compass RothNEUsiedl. It outlines the key points of a common understanding of the local building culture. Additionally, thematic deep dives (e.g., public space, mobility, etc.) clearly demonstrate how a vibrant building culture will contribute to achieving and securing already established goals in the long term.

Project Partners

Project management

Wohnfonds – Wiener Stadtwerke Entwicklungs GmbH („WWEG")

Project or cooperation partners

  • Magistratsabteilung MA 21 A – Stadtteilplanung und Flächenwidmung
  • Raumposition OG
  • MOURA. Mobilität und Raum e.U.
  • Technische Universität Wien, future.lab, Plattform für inter- und transdisziplinäre Lehre und Forschung
  • Climate Lab

Contact Address

Wohnfonds – Wiener Stadtwerke Entwicklungs GmbH
Tel.: +43 (1) 403 5919 86680
E-Mail: wweg@wohnfonds.wien.at
Web: www.wohnfonds.wien.at/wweg