Altmünster 2040
Short Description

There are numerous targets for climate protection, climate change adaptation, climate neutrality, CO2-neutrality, and energy efficiency at European (keyword: "Fit for 55"), national (climate neutral 2040, 100% renewable 2030), and Upper Austrian state levels. These targets will have direct and indirect impacts on municipal levels. Practically all cities and municipalities face this major task but often lack the overview and necessary resources, preventing them from taking advantage of the associated opportunities.
The municipality of Altmuenster, one of the first Climate Alliance municipalities in Upper Austria and a long-standing member of the Climate and Energy Model Region Traunsteinregion (KEM), wants to develop a municipal climate strategy with clear options for action. The municipality is actively involved in the process, with the Climate Alliance supporting the development through workshops in mobility, energy and buildings, soil and climate change adaptation, and procurement and consumption.

The results will be prepared together with the municipality, aiming for the final climate strategy to be adopted in the committees (committee, municipal board, and municipal council). The outcome will be a document tailored to Altmuenster, serving as a coordinated guideline and signpost for politics and administration towards climate neutrality.
Project Partners
Project management
- Klimabündnis Oberösterreich
Project partners
- Marktgemeinde Altmünster am Traunsee
- Loop3 OG
- komobile GmbH
- ing.aigner GmbH
Contact Address
DI Martin Schott, Klimabündnis Oberösterreich
Südtirolerstraße 28, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43-650-5201235