Climate neutral Wiener Neustadt 2040
Short Description

Since 1995, the city of Wiener Neustadt (WN) has set the course for a long-term municipal energy strategy (and later also for a climate strategy). Based on a detailed energy andCO2 balance at the time, development scenarios were outlined at recurring intervals (most recently in 2011/12) in line with the political and legal framework conditions and spatial development, and detailed action programmes with numerous packages of measures were drawn up, which defined the necessary steps for implementing the city's energy and climate protection policy.
Since 2012, the city of Wiener Neustadt has been a climate and energy model region ("KEM wn.energiefit") and has been implementing measures for a sustainable and energy-fit city for three further phases. The previous energy and climate strategies and the recently updated urban development plan STEP WN 2030+ see integrated climate protection as an essential part of the city's policy - however, there are currently no concrete targets and strategies for achieving climate neutrality.
Wiener Neustadt would like to develop its own vision and implementation strategy for climate neutrality by 2040 and work this out in four steps:
- Step 1: Vision - for achieving climate neutrality in WN by 2040
- Step 2: Potential analysis to achieve the goal
- Step 3: Development of an implementation programme by 2040
- Step 4: Development of methods for monitoring and evaluating the programme
Project Partners
Project management
Stadt Wiener Neustadt, Stabsstelle Stadtentwicklung, Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie
Project partner
ConPlusUltra GmbH
Contact Address
Stadt Wiener Neustadt
Stabsstelle Stadtentwicklung, Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie
Robert Schweighofer und Alexander Nowak
Neuklosterplatz 1
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
Tel.: +43 2622 373 460
Further project with the participation of the City of Wiener Neustadt
Wiener Neustadt Climate neutral
Wiener Neustadt as a pioneering city, is making a conscious and ambitious transition towards climate neutrality. This complex transformation requires different measures. The measures shall both be developed in-house or developed by others and transferred to Wiener Neustadt. The effect of the entire bundle of measures from the different areas (e.g. governance, implementation districts, learning environment or energy, mobility, buildings, etc.) is subject to fact-based climate monitoring.
Project duration: 2023 - 2028