Climate Scan District - Exploration and evaluation of potential districts regarding their suitability as a pioneer district

The "Climate Scan District" project aims to select the most suitable pioneer district in Dornbirn by applying the klima:aktiv criteria catalog for climate-neutral districts. This supports the city's transformation to climate neutrality by 2040. Extensive district profiles, action plans, and future visions are developed to create a well-founded and comprehensive basis for decision-making.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

Since 2024, the city of Dornbirn has been part of the Austrian Pioneer City group, setting ambitious climate goals and striving to transform a pioneer district to climate neutrality by 2030. Four districts, ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 m², have been preselected. These districts are very different, and choosing the right one is complex and crucial for the success of the entire Pioneer City process. The klima:aktiv criteria catalog for climate-neutral districts will serve as the basis for decision-making.

Contents and goals

The "Climate Scan District" project aims to select a suitable pioneer district that will support Dornbirn's transformation to climate neutrality and serve as a model. Other objectives include creating district profiles for the four districts based on klima:aktiv criteria, developing action plans and future visions, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of the districts, and involving stakeholders and the public.


In collaboration with the klima:aktiv competence partner Kairos and SIR as the developer of the criteria catalog, the criteria catalog will be applied to large existing districts for the first time. Since a detailed survey would be partly disproportionate, projections and qualified estimates will be used.

Additionally, dialogues with stakeholders and the public will be conducted, action plans will be created, and future visions will be developed to establish a broad decision-making basis. The findings will be systematically shared with SIR, the klima:aktiv expert panel, and other interested pioneer cities.

Expected results

The project aims to provide a well-founded basis for selecting the pioneer district and gather valuable experiences that can be transferred to other districts and cities. The action plans and future visions should provide clear ideas of the necessary transformation.

The project should also contribute to the further development of the klima:aktiv criteria for large existing districts and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of urban planning and implementation of climate protection measures. In the long term, the project aims to help realize the vision of a climate-neutral city of Dornbirn and serve as a model for other cities.

Project Partners

Project management

Stadt Dornbirn

Project or cooperation partners

  • Christoph Breuer, Kairos OG
  • Paul Stampfl, Telesis
  • Oskar Mair von Tinkhof, SIR

Contact Address

Thomas Pieber
Rathausplatz 2
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel.: +43 (676) 833 065 120