
Here you will find R&D projects in the field of climate-neutral cities, which were funded as part of initiatives of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), such as "TIKS" or "City of the Future".

There are 49 results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green BIM 2. Green Information Modelling and Operation: Transformation of the Green Sector through digitalisation

With the project "Green BIM 2" the technology leap from the previous project "Green BIM" – namely the use of BIM in the field of building greening – is continued for further application fields of landscape planning and the results are transmitted into working practice.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

K3 - Climate-neutral Klagenfurt Clinic

As part of Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee's climate neutrality ambitions, the focus is on the development of climate-neutral districts with a wide variety of functions and uses in the city area. In collaboration with the state hospital operating company - KABEG, a climate neutrality roadmap for the Klagenfurt clinic district is being developed with scientific support from JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Klimapionierstadt Wien

Systemic learning, accelerated knowledge transfer and new capacities as well as innovative impulses and the more ambitious design of ongoing activities will help to align the processes of the Vienna City Administration in a way that best supports the achievement of climate neutrality and resilience by 2040. The Klimapionierstadt Wien Partnership also contributes to putting selected pilot neighbourhoods on the path to climate neutrality by 2030.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Kolpingquarter Salzburg - on site quarter energy supply with an optimized warmwater solution and grid serviceability

In a quarter on the site of the Kolpinghaus Salzburg, consisting of a youth residence and a hotel, energy optimizations and extensions are being carried out. This includes the construction of an affordable residential building for young people and families as well as the redesign of the overall energy supply of the neighborhood. The goals are to maximize the use of on-site renewable energy, phase out fossil fuel heat supply, interconnect the buildings, and optimize energy efficiency.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LeiSan - Flagship Project: Renovation of the Komposch-Ebene Residential Quarter in Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia

Exploration for an existing quarter in Bad Eisenkappel with the goal of renovating the building stock, involving the residents, the open space, mobility, and local generation of renewable energy. The result should demonstrate the economic feasibility of a holistic concept for the quarter and serve as a basis for a demonstration project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Linz with Ambitio3xn - Linz with ambition for climate neutrality: governance, infrastructure and climate-social neighborhood Franckviertel

The project "Linz with Ambitio3xn" supports the city of Linz in becoming climate neutral by 2040. Contributing to this ambitious goal requires aligning urban planning instruments with urban climate mitigation and decarbonizing existing gas infrastructure in the Franckviertel neighborhood. In the project, standards for net zero non-profit housing will be tested in practice and shared learning are promoted.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Mission2030 – Climate-neutral Smart City Klagenfurt 2030

As Austria's only city, Klagenfurt is part of the EU Cities Mission 2030. Along with Rome, Barcelona, Laibach and other European cities, the Carinthian state capital has set itself the goal of being climate neutral by 2030. A project that is not utopia, but quite realistic! An essential component and backbone of this mission is the Austrian Pioneer Cities Program.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

NEB-Tischlerei-Melk - Development of a former joinery site into a multipliable European lighthouse NEB neighbourhood

The former production site of the Fürst Möbel GmbH shall be transformed into a climate-neutral, multifunctional, scalable mixed-use NEB city quarter. This quarter called “Tischlerei Melk” is intended to achieve the highest ambition levels of the NEB compass and to position and represent Austria strongly in this context. As the area is located next to the world-famous Abbey of Melk, the project has the potential to become an internationally known best-practice solution.

Stadt der Zukunft

OWA+Quartier - Sustainable refurbishment and energy supply for the historic Otto-Wagner-Areal towards a plus-energy district

Development of thermal and electrical energy supply for the Otto-Wagner-Areal as well as model solutions for construction and building services in order to initiate the redevelopment of the area in the direction of a plus-energy district.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

OWA’s future - Otto Wagner Area: A trend-setting transformation from a medical institution into a NEB neighbourhood

Development of qualitative and quantitative planning objectives as well as an implementation strategy for the transformation of the Otto Wagner Area along the New European Bauhaus guidelines. The basis is formed by interdisciplinary expert forums, which provide important insights for the necessary transformation of existing areas and buildings in other cities as well.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Pioneer City - Partnership for Climate Neutral Cities 2030

With its participation in the "Mission:Klimaneutrale Stadt", the City of Innsbruck is pursuing the goal of setting the course for achieving climate neutrality. In addition to the creation of structures within the city administration, climate-effective measures are being tested in the existing "Eichhof"-residential quarter together with the stakeholders. Successful measures shall then be implemented throughout the city. The intensive exchange with the other pioneer cities, the conscious use of synergy and the associated broad spectrum of knowledge and experience are necessary resources for the implementation of this project

Klimaneutrale Stadt

PioneerCityDornbirn - Transformation of the city of Dornbirn towards a climate-neutral city.

The project "PioneerCityDornbirn" aims to transform the city of Dornbirn towards climate neutrality. Internal competencies are being developed, processes are being improved, and initial implementations are being driven forward to support the decarbonization of the city by 2040.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plan4.Energy – methodological set for the planning support of positive energy districts

Plan4.Energy develops a set of methods to support the planning of positive energy districts. The data-based system integration will enable a user-friendly quantitative assessment of the possibilities for building a positive energy district. This will allow stakeholders without the relevant background knowledge to realistically assess different project variants.

Stadt der Zukunft

PlusIQ - Agricultural Photovoltaics: Integration as a Path to Plus-Energy-Quarters

This project examines opportunities, potentials and requirements of/for Agrophotovoltaic systems. Thereby, an interdisciplinary study will be conducted that integrates the major aspects of such systems holistically and from an integrative perspective. The complex interdependencies between the different aspects will be explored and described via a case study. Potential approaches toward realization will be studied and subjected to a comprehensive SWOT-analysis.

Stadt der Zukunft

Post City Linz - Biodiversity in the CO2-neutral urban quarter

The project "Post City Linz" aims to show that a currently unattractive industrial wasteland can be transformed into a microclimatically ambitious, energy- and resource-efficient quarter with 150,000m² of gross floor area by means of an innovative mix of office, commercial, hotel and residential uses. The focus is on the integration of biodiversity promotion, a CO2 neutral energy supply and innovative energy management in the quarter, animal aided design as well as rainwater management based on the principle of the "sponge city".

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ResourceRevival - District development from industry site to resource neutrality in Möllersdorf

The reuse of building elements is a much-discussed topic, but a truly circular district encompasses much more. Through interdisciplinary cooperation as part of a co-creative concept development at the Werk Möllersdorf, previously separately considered aspects of the circular economy are combined, symbioses between demand and availability of materials, energy, rainwater and grey water are identified and their circularity is maximized.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

STPionier - St. Pölten: From industrial city to climate pioneer city

Until the year 2022, the city of St. Pölten did not have a strategy or concept that dealt decisively with the climate crisis. One of the reasons for this was the lack of a responsible department in the St. Pölten administration. With the pioneer city process, a staff unit has now been established that takes on climate agendas and introduces and promotes them in municipal processes and projects.

Stadt der Zukunft

SYSPEQ - Systemische Lösung zum Betrieb von Plusenergiequartieren

Full-scale planning concepts for positive energy districts (PEDs) and their operation as energy communities (ECs). The focus is on the implementation in the existing building stock, especially in the area of social/non-profit housing. Financing options for renewable generation units, planning and operation of a PED (especially as an EC), marketing opportunities for surplus electricity and the development of an information and networking platform are part of this project. A special highlight is the practical proof-of-concept in Fuchsenloch, which is a social housing quarter of Sozialbau.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Smart Dag - smart and climate-neutral renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate

For a smart and sustainable renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate in the city of Klagenfurt, a residential area from the 1950/1960s, the existing housing stock (buildings, green and open space, social structure) will be analysed and assessed based on the "Quartier &Wir" guide. The results are the basis for the launch of an architectural competition. The residents of the area who still live on site and the housing development agency of the department of the provincial Carinthian Government are involved in the feasibility study. The aim is to transfer the results of the study to other renovation projects and thus contribute to achieving the city of Klagenfurt's climate goals.