Research Projects

There are 38 results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate Scan District - Exploration and evaluation of potential districts regarding their suitability as a pioneer district

The "Climate Scan District" project aims to select the most suitable pioneer district in Dornbirn by applying the klima:aktiv criteria catalog for climate-neutral districts. This supports the city's transformation to climate neutrality by 2040. Extensive district profiles, action plans, and future visions are developed to create a well-founded and comprehensive basis for decision-making.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

SELF²B - self-aware, self-diagnosing buildings, HVAC, and PV systems for the next generation of energy efficient operations

SELF²B develops and demonstrates an AI-based, self-learning, and self-diagnosing fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) solution for HVAC and PV systems in two buildings in Vienna. The innovation surpasses the current state of the art by combining semantic data, ontologies, and machine learning. The goal is to achieve energy savings and efficiency improvements in building operations and to make the technology widely applicable.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

AI4FM - Artificial Intelligence for Facility Management

AI-based anomaly and fault detection in buildings. Digital twins of buildings with simulation models for testing and optimizing rule-based fault detection methods. Mining of the recorded time-series data from existing Building Management Systems to train Machine Learning models for fault detection.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green BIM 2. Green Information Modelling and Operation: Transformation of the Green Sector through digitalisation

With the project "Green BIM 2" the technology leap from the previous project "Green BIM" – namely the use of BIM in the field of building greening – is continued for further application fields of landscape planning and the results are transmitted into working practice.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

#EEG++ Digital Energy Communities Optimized

The project aims to develop an innovative energy system for plus-energy neighborhoods by integrating advanced photovoltaic installations, IoT technology, and energy communities to maximize the self-consumption of renewable energy while ensuring economic efficiency and user-centricity.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities

IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.

Stadt der Zukunft

TheSIS - Thermal renovation with internal insulation systems - investigation and development of moisture-proof solutions

Development of innovative solutions for the retrofit of the building envelope with internal insulation with a focus on the hygrothermal optimization of a moisture-adaptive vapor retarder in form of a paint coating. As a result, the moisture hazard related to the implementation of internal insulation systems is reduced and the energetic, comfort-related and economic advantages are made available.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Circular Bio Floor- Floor construction made from biomaterials

In this project biogenic building materials from wood industry waste and geopolymer binders are developed that can be used as tamped fill or 3D-printed dry-screed elements in timber construction. These materials offer functional benefits and an excellent eco-balance, contribute to the conservation of forests and enable the production of separable and reusable floor segment panels using digital manufacturing technologies. That significantly reduces the consumption of primary raw materials.

Stadt der Zukunft

Circular Standards: Development of a circular standard-detail-catalogue

In this research project, the technical design of standardized constructions details is the subject of investigation. Construction details will be researched, analyzed and evaluated and (further) developed or revised with regard to the parameter "recyclability". The expected result consists of circular-standard-details and the identification of problem areas and opportunities.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

MasSan - Feasibility study of serial renovation concepts & models in Austria

Feasibility study to present and analyze the framework conditions and potential of serial renovations of large-volume buildings. The findings from the national pilot projects as well as the international / German projects and models are extracted and checked for their feasibility in the Austrian context and the requirements are prepared.

Stadt der Zukunft

StirliQ+ Component development of the expansion Stirling generator with supercritical fluid as working & lubrication medium

Technical research and further development of details or components of the novel StirliQ engine, which has the potential to overcome the technical hurdles of conventional Stirling engines. On the basis of simulations as well as a laboratory plant, a narrowing down of the process parameters with regard to a resilient pre-dimension of apparatus components is carried out.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

RCC2 - Life cycle assessment of heatable formwork for CO2-reduced and climate-neutral concrete

Experimental development of innovative formulations of CO2-reduced concrete and heated formwork to support early strength development in wintry temperatures.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoHub - Sustainable heat management of near-surface geothermal energy in urban environments

Innovative approaches to streamline geothermal projects from planning to operation, ensuring they are climate-neutral, resource-efficient, and economically viable.

Stadt der Zukunft

NEBKrit - Quality criteria for buildings and neighbourhoods on the basis of the New European Bauhaus

Develop criteria of aesthetics and social inclusion based on the values of the New European Bauhaus to complement existing sustainability criteria in order to evaluate buildings and neighbourhoods more broadly. Since todayʼs necessary transformation of the economy always includes cultural and social aspects, such a broader assessment makes more sense than todayʼs usual methods.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

PersonAI - User-Centered AI-based energy services built on personal preference models

Conduct a large-scale, long-term study with 40-50 people to create personal comfort profiles to increase comfort in buildings. The personal comfort profiles will then be fed back into the building control system as input variables in a proof-of-concept.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FluccoSan - Circular energy flexibility for resilient, climate-neutral refurbishments

FluccoSan aims to develop innovative and cost-effective refurbishment solutions for the building sector that contribute to achieving the Austrian federal government's climate targets. The focus is on energy-efficient, minimally invasive and socially acceptable measures, so-called “dynamic renovations”. By integrating the circular economy and social science research, these solutions should ensure long-term sustainability and a high level of acceptance among users. Status: ongoing

Klimaneutrale Stadt

NEBKritQ - New European Bauhaus Quality Criteria for Sustainable Urban Development

Development of quality criteria and process proposals for sustainable urban development based on the dimensions of the New European Bauhaus (ecological sustainability, aesthetics, social inclusion), which can be used for the evaluation as well as for the project development and application of urban development projects.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

m-hub - a web-based data hub for collection and query of material compositions of the building stock of the City of Vienna

The project creates a web-based platform with which the material composition of buildings within the city of Vienna can be entered and queried. In the background, a prediction model based on artificial intelligence is trained to make forecasts for buildings that have not yet been cataloged.