Research Projects
There are 6 results.
Vitality City - Holistic energy strategies for cities in transition
Energy simulation of any size city (municipalities) based on the data from laser scanning and satellite analysis (Geodata) to obtain dynamical energy demands and available energy resources.
Circular Bio Floor- Floor construction made from biomaterials
In this project biogenic building materials from wood industry waste and geopolymer binders are developed that can be used as tamped fill or 3D-printed dry-screed elements in timber construction. These materials offer functional benefits and an excellent eco-balance, contribute to the conservation of forests and enable the production of separable and reusable floor segment panels using digital manufacturing technologies. That significantly reduces the consumption of primary raw materials.
m-hub - a web-based data hub for collection and query of material compositions of the building stock of the City of Vienna
The project creates a web-based platform with which the material composition of buildings within the city of Vienna can be entered and queried. In the background, a prediction model based on artificial intelligence is trained to make forecasts for buildings that have not yet been cataloged.
SELF²B - self-aware, self-diagnosing buildings, HVAC, and PV systems for the next generation of energy efficient operations
SELF²B develops and demonstrates an AI-based, self-learning, and self-diagnosing fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) solution for HVAC and PV systems in two buildings in Vienna. The innovation surpasses the current state of the art by combining semantic data, ontologies, and machine learning. The goal is to achieve energy savings and efficiency improvements in building operations and to make the technology widely applicable.
Autology - the automated ontology generator
Ontologies form the basis for the acquisition, analysis/processing, utilization, documentation, and archiving of building and component data throughout all stages of the lifecycle. Currently, the semantic description and structuring of data can only be achieved with significant manual effort. At this point, the Autology project utilizes Artificial Intelligence. The overarching project objective is the automated extraction and generation of metadata for the creation of ontologies from the building automation system, employing innovative AI-based approaches.
AI4FM - Artificial Intelligence for Facility Management
AI-based anomaly and fault detection in buildings. Digital twins of buildings with simulation models for testing and optimizing rule-based fault detection methods. Mining of the recorded time-series data from existing Building Management Systems to train Machine Learning models for fault detection.