Research Projects
There are 5 results.
Path to the Future (WEG zur Zukunft) - The Path to Implementing a Climate-Resilient Future in Condominium Ownership
The research project "WEG zur Zukunft / Path to the Future" examines the low renovation rates of condominium owners' associations (WEGs) in Austria and the associated communicative, regulatory, organizational, and financial challenges. In collaboration with the affected stakeholders – primarily owners and property management companies – foundations for solutions are being developed through a co-creative process that can assist in the path toward implementation.
PersonAI - User-Centered AI-based energy services built on personal preference models
Conduct a large-scale, long-term study with 40-50 people to create personal comfort profiles to increase comfort in buildings. The personal comfort profiles will then be fed back into the building control system as input variables in a proof-of-concept.
IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities
IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.
crowd2raum - Participatory co-financing models for socially innovative and sustainable reactivation for vacancies
As part of the exploratory project "crowd2raum", existing funding and support programmes are being combined with existing crowdfunding mechanisms (imGrä platform) to create a co-financing model for vacancy activation. This will be developed and tested in practice through the activation of four vacant spaces in the base zone in the defined pilot areas in Vienna and Graz.
The project aims to improve sustainable energy supply and energy efficiency for the planned NikolaiQuartier in Villach by utilizing waste heat and local energy sources. An innovative energy concept, which also includes the regional hospital, is being developed. Active involvement of residents and stakeholders is key to securing acceptance of the eco-friendly neighbourhood.