There are 7 results.
Further Investigations and Monitoring of the Green Walls at GRG7 Kandlgasse
Following on from the completed research project "GrünPlusSchule", in which various greening measures were implemented at and in a school in Vienna's 7th district (GRG7), this follow-up project takes up further unanswered questions and is dedicated to detailed measurement data evaluations of the effects of indoor and outdoor greening.
GREeNvaluation - Real-time monitoring and performance evaluation
The aim of the project was the development of the GREeNvaluation toolkit, as a precursor to the implementation of green and liveable cities. The visualization and accounting (cost / benefit) of green infrastructure services makes the benefits more tangible and understandable. The GREeNvaluation toolkit aims to create awareness far beyond the target areas by means of target group-specific communication formats.
GreEnergieausweis AT - Ways of integrating greenery into the Austrian Energy Certificate
Adaption of the calculation models in the energy certificate in such a way that the greening of buildings can be depicted as realistically as possible and assessment of the acceptance of implementation by relevant stakeholders.
Green BIM - Green building infrastructure as part of BIM-based planning and maintenance
Fusion of greenery and BIM planning to achieve a friction-free conducting and maintenance. By analysing the case studies, “Green BIM” examined to what extent typical steps in planning regarding greened buildings can be edited by characteristic software programs in a BIM-equitable way. The expected outcomes are supplements to international standards for data structures in civil engineering (IFC / ISO 16739) which are further on added to BIM applications by the software industry.
MEIDLINGER "L"-Participatory and scalable climate change adaptations in existing buildings at the intersection of public and private space
The project pursued an integral and interdisciplinary approach to climate change adaptation in existing buildings at the interface between public and private space. A scalable and multipliable model for Vienna and other cities had been developed.
Space & Green. Possibilities for integrating greening into the regulations of Austrian spatial planning
The R&D service "Raum & Grün" (Space & Green) prepared a study that depicts the interrelationships between spatial planning and greening, shows the need for action and the scope for action by actors, and formulates concrete recommendations on how innovative urban greening and greening of buildings can be effectively anchored in the regulations of Austrian spatial planning.
lieBeKlima - quality assurance of cross-property greening for urban climate resilience in the neighbourhood development "Am Kempelenpark"
lieBeKlima aims to initiate the implementation of a cross-property and cross-system greening concept for the "Am Kempelenpark" neighbourhood development. This will be realized with innovative, identity-creating participation processes and a comprehensive quality assurance process. The focus lies on an interconnected consideration of integral greening concepts with higher-level water management and plus-energy concepts.