
Here you will find R&D projects in the field of climate-neutral cities, which were funded as part of initiatives of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), such as "TIKS" or "City of the Future".

There are 135 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

STP2030, St. Pölten 2030: KlimaNEUTRAL + KlimaFIT

A broadly based, participatory strategy process for the co-creative development of the “Roadmap to Climate Neutrality” St. Pölten by 2030. The roadmap is based on a shared vision, which is differentiated into transformation paths in different fields of action. The result is a “climate of change” in urban society that serves as the basis for participation in tenders, cooperation and implementation on the way to climate neutrality.

Stadt der Zukunft

SUPERBE - Potential of Superblock-concepts as contribution to planning energy-efficient urban quarters

The exploratory study SUPERBE for the first time looks into the applicability and potential effects of Superblock concepts in an Austrian urban context in order to assess their contribution to energy-oriented urban planning.

Haus der Zukunft

SURO - The urban underground as mine? Potential of secondary resources in subsurface infrastructure systems

Feasibility of a resource cadaster to inventorize, characterize and locate material stocks in subsurface infrastructure networks. The results are used for the economic assessment of secondary resource potentials.

Stadt der Zukunft

Salzburg:KanS - Salzburg: Climate-neutral city

Salzburg:KanS aligns the vision and climate protection goals of the city of Salzburg with the climate neutrality targets of the province and estimates the sector-specific CO2 reduction contributions until 2030. Based on these contributions, the project develops implementation strategies for the entire city as well as the focus areas of “climate-neutral mobility” and “climate-neutral neighborhoods”.

Haus der Zukunft

SeasonalGridStorage - Innovative seasonale thermal storages for urban district heating grids

Sensible storages, which are currently used in district heating networks for seasonal storage of excess heat (e.g. from solar thermal or industrial waste heat), exhibit high space demand, investment costs and heat losses. Within this project, concepts for using innovative storage technologies, e.g. thermochemical storages (TCS) having high heat densities and enabling pressure- and lossless storage, were developed and analyzed on a technological, economic and ecological basis. Additionally, the regulatory framework has been evaluated.

Stadt der Zukunft

SocialLowCostFlex - Collaborative flexible low-cost energy supply concepts for social housing

This project aimed for feasible low-cost solutions, which allow residents of multi-party houses, with special focus on social housing to profit and participate in the energy transition process and associated trends (e.g. community generation units, exploitation of flexibility). The results of the project are low-cost concepts and business models of community generation units and utilization concepts, tested for their feasibility in a social housing complex. These concepts are based on special requirements of different lifestyles in low-income households and take the framework of social housing such as tenant fluctuation into account.

Stadt der Zukunft

SolCalc: Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Stadt der Zukunft

SonnWende+ Efficient solutions for photovoltaic energy management based on block chain technology

The project deals with the analysis of Blockchain technology in the context of renewable electricity producers and flexibility as enabler for innovative service concepts, tested in the innovation-lab “Energie Innovation Cluster Südburgenland”. The goal is to find new and efficient Blockchain-based solutions for services in energy management and trading in a local level.

Stadt der Zukunft

Space & Green. Possibilities for integrating greening into the regulations of Austrian spatial planning

The R&D service "Raum & Grün" (Space & Green) prepared a study that depicts the interrelationships between spatial planning and greening, shows the need for action and the scope for action by actors, and formulates concrete recommendations on how innovative urban greening and greening of buildings can be effectively anchored in the regulations of Austrian spatial planning.

Haus der Zukunft

Stakeholder process of the initiative "Reference architecture for secure Smart Grids in Austria"

The project worked out the development of a smart grids reference architecture for Austria under involvement of all actors. Based on technological-scientific elements a process which met the requirements of stakeholders like operators of infrastructure, industry and also public agencies had been worked out to achieve nationally accepted and internationally orientated reference architecture.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Strengths and weaknesses of the Austrian construction sector in relation to the New European Bauhaus Initiative

In cooperation with Initiative Bauhaus, an Austrian thinktank founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and different actors of the building industry like designers, architects, students, companies and the general public, the aim is to create a common strategy for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative in Austria. This report shows best practice examples and further potential for new projects and guidelines in accordance with the goals of the NEB.

Stadt der Zukunft

TANZ - Exploration of a regional living lab: Tourism as an opportunity for the energy transition in Pinzgau

Exploration for a regional living lab to accelerate Austria's climate neutrality in 2040 in the tourism region of Pinzgau. Based on numerous preliminary works, model solutions (“Realtests”) for the innovation fields of sector coupling, energy communities and sustainable heating solutions were designed, the organisational structure of the living lab is developed and stakeholders were actively involved.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Stadt der Zukunft

URBAN STRAW - Fire protection conditioning of blow-in straw insulation material and its structural application for urban building classes 4 and 5

Investigation and development of fire protection conditioning of chopped straw blow-in insulation based on biogenic flame-retardants of similar building materials and their application methods. Use of the material as external thermal insulation in material-reduced prefab timber construction elements for urban building classes 4 and 5 up to 6 storeys.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban Mining - Energy and resource savings due to urban mining

The use of natural resources in long-lived products and buildings has led to the build-up of enormous urban material stocks. The present project analyses the potential of these urban mines to increase the resource efficiency of modern cities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban MoVe - Private law contracts as innovative instruments for city and mobility planning.

The research project Urban MoVe investigated to what extent private-law contracts (e.g. mobility contracts, funds, urban development contracts) are suitable as municipal planning and steering instruments for mobility at residential locations based on best practice analyzes and implemented national practical examples.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban district heating extended – Development of flexible and decarbonized urban district heating systems

Development of innovative urban district heating systems by integration of long-term thermal storage, large scale heat pumps, large scale solar thermal installations, waste heat recovery and analysis and evaluation by simulation. The results of this project will provide templates for technology selection, system design and merit order for new urban district heating areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

UrbanEnergyCells - Requirements for the implementation of energy cells in future energy system designs

The transformation of the currently hierarchical electricity system into a renewable, decentralized electricity system poses major challenges for the actors in the energy industry and society. Most of the installed decentralized renewable energy sources are installed in rural areas, due to easier legal implementation and shorter decision-making pathways. However, the energy density in urban areas is significantly higher, resulting in a transport of electrical energy to the consumption centers.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urbane GmbA - Urban potential of greenable area in the obscured stock

Urbane GmbA aims to explore and assess the potential of greenable area from building and obscured stock (vertical and horizontal areas) in Vienna, to apply currently available survey instruments and to show research and development needs.

Stadt der Zukunft

VAMOS - Casement windows with vacuum glazing: Performance-Monitoring for Building retrofit

Knowledge consolidation of the exploratory project VIG_SYS_RENO; This project focused on the application of vacuum glass in existing casement windows for purposes of energetic performance improvement of buildings. Expected results include new insights about and a guideline for the application and utilization of vacuum glass products in existing window systems.