
Here you will find R&D projects in the field of climate-neutral cities, which were funded as part of initiatives of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), such as "TIKS" or "City of the Future".

There are 39 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus Energy Melk - Path for the realization of Plus-Energy-Districs in Melk

The city of Melk has set itself the goal of playing a pioneering role in renewable energy supply and climate protection. In this context, an initiative aimed at implementing Positive Energy Districts. Two urban development projects are currently underway to examine under which framework conditions, technical and organisational solutions Positive Energy Districts can be realised. A proactive participation process aims at informing developers and investors as well as other stakeholders about the realization of PlusEnergy concepts.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus-Energy-Campus - Energy-flexible Positive Energy District with "Living Lab"

The project explored paths to a sustainable, future-proof Positive Energy-District (PED) in the area surrounding the location of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (FH-Technikum Wien). The feasibility of a new university building as a Plus-Energy teaching building had been examined in detail to prepare its implementation. Central innovation contents are the energetic flexibilization of the new building and the quarter as well as the conception of the Plus-Energy building as a "Living Lab".

Stadt der Zukunft

Probing for PV façade systems made of lightweight plastic modules with reversible fittings for new and old buildings (PV-FAS_light + easy)

Probing for a new, simple, cost-effective and building-integrated PV facade system made of plastic PV modules through initial investigations for fixing technology, for building physics, for fire protection and for electrical engineering concerning the usability, the areas of applicability and the yield and application potentialfor new buildings and for existing buildings.

Stadt der Zukunft

P³Power - Plug&Play Storage of Photovoltaic Power

The core of the project P³Power is the measurement technology NetDetection, which is able to detect the power consumption of a household from any point, e.g. a regular wall socket. Based on this technology a plug&play powerplant, consisting of photovoltaics and battery pack, is realized. The system is able to guarantee 100% self-consumption within flexible aggregates (from single households to whole communes) without any changes of existing infrastructure. The measurement technology will be implemented into digital hardware, evaluated comprehensively in lab and household environment and subsequently new energy service business models are developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

SC_micro-quarters – Planning and modernisation of smart city quarters with a view to energy optimisation and a high quality of life

The SC_micro-quarters project demonstrates possibilities for urban planning and urban quarter development with a view to creating a path to a low carbon city with a high quality of life and good resilience, while taking into account existing and proposed buildings, infrastructures and uses. The central element is the modelling of urban structures at micro-quarter level.

Stadt der Zukunft

SOFC4City - SOFC-waste heat utilization for buildings and industry

In this project the application of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for energy supply (heat and power) of urban areas will be investigated. Due to the high temperature level of the produced heat it would be possible to use this heat for the energy supply of different heat and power consumers (residential buildings, industrial plants, etc.). One aim is to provide the SOFC-heat at several temperature levels in order to establish the advantages of the fuel cell. On the one hand the legal and market-based conditions will be evaluated, on the other hand the technological feasibility will be scoured by the use of CFD-simulation of the heat production.

Stadt der Zukunft

STP2030, St. Pölten 2030: KlimaNEUTRAL + KlimaFIT

A broadly based, participatory strategy process for the co-creative development of the “Roadmap to Climate Neutrality” St. Pölten by 2030. The roadmap is based on a shared vision, which is differentiated into transformation paths in different fields of action. The result is a “climate of change” in urban society that serves as the basis for participation in tenders, cooperation and implementation on the way to climate neutrality.

Stadt der Zukunft

SUPERBE - Potential of Superblock-concepts as contribution to planning energy-efficient urban quarters

The exploratory study SUPERBE for the first time looks into the applicability and potential effects of Superblock concepts in an Austrian urban context in order to assess their contribution to energy-oriented urban planning.

Stadt der Zukunft

Salzburg:KanS - Salzburg: Climate-neutral city

Salzburg:KanS aligns the vision and climate protection goals of the city of Salzburg with the climate neutrality targets of the province and estimates the sector-specific CO2 reduction contributions until 2030. Based on these contributions, the project develops implementation strategies for the entire city as well as the focus areas of “climate-neutral mobility” and “climate-neutral neighborhoods”.

Stadt der Zukunft

TANZ - Exploration of a regional living lab: Tourism as an opportunity for the energy transition in Pinzgau

Exploration for a regional living lab to accelerate Austria's climate neutrality in 2040 in the tourism region of Pinzgau. Based on numerous preliminary works, model solutions (“Realtests”) for the innovation fields of sector coupling, energy communities and sustainable heating solutions were designed, the organisational structure of the living lab is developed and stakeholders were actively involved.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban district heating extended – Development of flexible and decarbonized urban district heating systems

Development of innovative urban district heating systems by integration of long-term thermal storage, large scale heat pumps, large scale solar thermal installations, waste heat recovery and analysis and evaluation by simulation. The results of this project will provide templates for technology selection, system design and merit order for new urban district heating areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

UrbanEnergyCells - Requirements for the implementation of energy cells in future energy system designs

The transformation of the currently hierarchical electricity system into a renewable, decentralized electricity system poses major challenges for the actors in the energy industry and society. Most of the installed decentralized renewable energy sources are installed in rural areas, due to easier legal implementation and shorter decision-making pathways. However, the energy density in urban areas is significantly higher, resulting in a transport of electrical energy to the consumption centers.

Stadt der Zukunft


The project researches possibilities and potentials of highly efficient use of space through modern concepts of "stacked" functions and vertical production.

Stadt der Zukunft

Villab – Exploration of a Villach innovation laboratory for the cooperative development of sustainable neighbourhoods

The "Villab - Probe" project serves to check the feasibility of an urban innovation laboratory to accelerate the transformation of Villach districts towards climate neutrality. Assuming positive feasibility, the cooperation with relevant stakeholders will be deepened and a business plan drawn up for a future innovation laboratory.

Stadt der Zukunft

VisErgyControl - Integral control system for daylight and artificial lighting for high visual and melanopic comfort with minimized primary energy consumption

Within the project VisErgyControl an integral, simulation-based, energy-efficient open loop daylight and artificial lighting control system had been developed. The research project focuses on the visual and melanopic requirements of users while minimizing the energy consumption for heating and cooling.

Stadt der Zukunft

ecoRegeneration: Development of a "Merit-Order" in order to assess regeneration heat for geothermal probes within urban residential neighbourhoods

In urban residential areas there are not enough active-cooled usages, to use the waste heat of the cooling process as required regeneration heat for geothermal probes; free cooling of the apartments is not sufficient. The project is developing various options (waste heat from commercial uses in the ground floor zones of residential buildings, by using waste heat of data centres, additional installation of heat generation systems for regeneration) within the urban settlement area, business models and is calculating life-cycle-costs of all solutions. The result should be a kind of "merit order" for regeneration heat.

Stadt der Zukunft


The integration of heat pumps can increase the cost effectiveness of existing heating networks and counter the high costs for the expansion of power grids at the same time. Aim of the project is to develop innovative business models for small and medium municipal heating networks with focus on synergies between heat and power market. Main focus is a heat pump pooling for several heat grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

metaTGA - Metadata and process models for open BIM in building service engineering

The objective of this research project is to design a methodology for developing data and process models and to apply them by modelling selected MEP systems. A particular but not exclusive focus is put on the renewable heating technologies, e.g. heat pumps, solar heat and biomass as well as ventilation systems. The data and process models developed in this research project will be scientifically evaluated in two pilot projects. The models, the approaches taken during development and the project team’s experiences with the pilot application of the models will be disseminated openly.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.