
Here you will find R&D projects in the field of climate-neutral cities, which were funded as part of initiatives of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), such as "TIKS" or "City of the Future".

There are 30 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

3D*3B - 3D-Concret Printing, Reinforcement for low carbon and bending stressed structures.

The project is about 3D printed structural elements and their integration in building structures. The focus is predominantly set on bending stresses structural elements like panels and slabs. Results will point out technical, logistic and climate relevant aspects.

Stadt der Zukunft

AFOM - Automatic failure and optimisation analysis by data-acquisition

In the project, methods will be developed for analysing measured value curves to detect changes in operation or failures in the system. By integrating BIM data of buildings, corresponding models will be generated to validate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)-networks, which will be used for analysis.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

AI4FM - Artificial Intelligence for Facility Management

AI-based anomaly and fault detection in buildings. Digital twins of buildings with simulation models for testing and optimizing rule-based fault detection methods. Mining of the recorded time-series data from existing Building Management Systems to train Machine Learning models for fault detection.

Stadt der Zukunft

AIA4ALL - development of open, modular and automatable employer’s information requirements (EIR) and BIM execution plan (BEP)

The Employer's Information Requirements - EIR (German: AIA) - serves the client to define goals and use cases for a BIM-based construction project. The aim of this project is to create a modular, machine-readable AIA that can be seamlessly integrated into the tool landscape of openBIM projects. This is done by developing an open platform for creating use cases for the AIA.

Stadt der Zukunft

Autology - the automated ontology generator

Ontologies form the basis for the acquisition, analysis/processing, utilization, documentation, and archiving of building and component data throughout all stages of the lifecycle. Currently, the semantic description and structuring of data can only be achieved with significant manual effort. At this point, the Autology project utilizes Artificial Intelligence. The overarching project objective is the automated extraction and generation of metadata for the creation of ontologies from the building automation system, employing innovative AI-based approaches.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

BATTMON - Increasing the usable charging capacity, service life and safety of battery storage systems in urban areas

The aim of BATTMON is to develop an improved method of determining the condition of battery storage systems for applications in buildings and neighborhoods. To this end, area-based foil sensors are being developed for the spatially resolved measurement of temperature and pressure. This data will be used to estimate the state of charge and also the state of health more accurately and to detect cell damage at an early stage in order to reduce the risk of fire and explosion.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM2BEM Flow - Continuous BIM-based energy efficient planning

Automated integration and assignment of exchange requirements between the design and simulation programs, based on the elaborated exchange information requirements, should enable continuous energy efficiency planning along the design phase.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMpeco - Environmentally relevant product data in collaborative BIM environments

Construction products can pose a risk to the environment and health due to their pollutant content or releases. In the BIMpeco project, workflows and data structures for digital information management of this environmentally relevant product data are developed. For this purpose, the new ISO standards ISO 23387 and ISO 19650-1 are tested and synchronized with established process flows. The project results will be made available on an open-source basis and can be integrated into any Common Data Environment (CDE) that complies with the standards mentioned. The BIMpeco project is the first to lay the foundations for product information management of environmentally relevant properties in the CDE, covering the entire lifecycle and supply chain.

Stadt der Zukunft

Beyond - Virtual Reality enabled energy services for smart energy systems

Collaborative R&D project to develop the next generation energy services with the interplay of various technologies: Virtual Reality (VR), machine learning, physical simulation and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.

Stadt der Zukunft

Build4Climate - Demonstration building with a climate room concept at the Innovation Quarter Lavanttal in Carinthia

Near the Wörthersee in Carinthia a modern open-space research and office building with flexible use is being built on the site of Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH. The innovative building will be implemented as a frontrunner with a 'climate room' concept based on thermal component activation and extensive use of renewable energy sources.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Circular Bio Floor- Floor construction made from biomaterials

In this project biogenic building materials from wood industry waste and geopolymer binders are developed that can be used as tamped fill or 3D-printed dry-screed elements in timber construction. These materials offer functional benefits and an excellent eco-balance, contribute to the conservation of forests and enable the production of separable and reusable floor segment panels using digital manufacturing technologies. That significantly reduces the consumption of primary raw materials.

Stadt der Zukunft

Circular Twin - A Digital Ecosystem for the Generation and Evaluation of Circular Digital Twins

By 2030, more than the equivalent of two Earths will be needed to meet the demand for natural resources, therefore a transition to circular systems is essential, especially in the construction industry. The digital "Circular Twin" ecosystem enables the early implementation of circular economy goals as well as end-to-end digitalization in construction utilizing Digital Twins, Generative Design Algorithms and Virtual Reality.

Stadt der Zukunft

DiCYCLE - Reconsidering digital deconstruction, reuse and recycle processes using BIM and Blockchain

DiCYCLE aims at identifying, analysing and mapping current End-of-Life processes in the building industry, as well as optimizing those for digitalization, using BIM, Blockchain and Smart Contracts. The goal is to enable sustainable digital planning, construction and deconstruction workflows for reuse and recycling of building materials and components along the life cycle.

Stadt der Zukunft

DigitalFindetStadt - Platform for digital innovations in the building sector

"Digital Findet Stadt" strengthens the digital innovation power of the Austrian building sector and thus contributes to a significant increase in resource, energy and cost efficiency.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Stadt der Zukunft

KityVR - Artificial intelligence techniques to implement CityGML models and VR visualization

The goal of the project is to link 3D city models and virtual reality for energy-relevant applications as key-enabler for digital planning, construction and operational management. Missing data will be calculated using statistical enrichment methods.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB2: Material intensity of inner development - resource assessment and localization of urban development potentials

For the first time, the material intensity of inner development (in terms of material quantities) for different design variants is to be considered in the evaluation of inner development potentials. A set of methods for the holistic evaluation of potential areas and different development variants and scenarios for resource-saving inner development will be created.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

MaBo - material saving in bored piles - a contribution to reducing CO2-emissions in the construction industry

Development of an innovative method for saving material in bored piles in order to reduce CO2 emissions in the construction industry. By optimizing the construction methods and using alternative materials, the sustainability of the foundation bodies is to be improved.

Stadt der Zukunft

OctoAI: The next generation of high-performance edge AI for smart buildings

Current IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for buildings depend almost exclusively on cloud infrastructure and cloud-based services. In the OctoAI project, we are developing the next generation of high-performance Edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) for smart buildings. In OctoAI, we combine the concept of edge AI with user-centric energy services and test two edge-ready applications.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

QualitySysVillab - Protecting sustainable qualities in neighbourhood developments through process control and new digital methods

Development of a process concept to bring sustainable qualities in neighbourhood development from the intention and announcement level to the built reality. The process is supported by digital methods of energy and structural design and evaluated in the context of a case study.