ReAssuRe – risk management for re-use of construction components and building technology by non-destructive on-site testing procedures

Risk assessment and insurability is essential for the re-use of functional components in buildings. In the best case, properties of components can be examined before they are removed from the donor building. ReAssuRe identifies suitable on-site testing procedures and establishes a network for the quality assurance of re-use components.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

The construction industry faces the challenge of finding sustainable solutions to extend the life cycle of building materials and building technology and to re-use building components. Despite the increased interest in re-use components, suitable non-destructive testing methods for products with high requirements are still lacking. This research aims to close a gap by developing test methods for a reliable assessment of the quality of re-used building products.

Contents and objectives

ReAssuRe aims to facilitate the use of re-use building components in the construction industry by providing reliable test methods, legal frameworks and recommendations for practice. The test processes developed will make it possible to assess the risk of using re-use components, allowing liability models to be derived. This will not only promote sustainability in the construction industry, but also contribute to the reduction of construction waste and emissions.


ReAssuRe first selects typical building components and then develops procedures for on-site testing in existing buildings. To this end, requirements for the components and legal framework conditions are defined and the process is also implemented in practice. In parallel, a risk management network for re-use will be established.

Expected results

The intended results and findings are

  • Development of low-destructive testing processes: Development of adapted test methods for structurally relevant components and building technology that allow to assess the suitability of components for re-use.
  • Proof of concept: Implementation of the developed test processes in representative building objects, recording and analysis of the results to evaluate the effectiveness of the test processes.
  • Establishment of an expert network for risk management and liability models for re-use components.

The findings from this project will create the basis for the certification of re-use components and provide recommendations for broad application in the construction industry.

Project Partners

Project management


Project or cooperation partners

  • BauKarussell e. Gen.
  • materialnomaden gmbH
  • OFI - Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Chemie und Technik
  • PORR Bau GmbH

Contact Address

Anna Fulterer
Feldgasse 19
A-8200 Gleisdorf
Tel.: +43 (3112) 5886 365