MasSan - Feasibility study of serial renovation concepts & models in Austria

Feasibility study to present and analyze the framework conditions and potential of serial renovations of large-volume buildings. The findings from the national pilot projects as well as the international / German projects and models are extracted and checked for their feasibility in the Austrian context and the requirements are prepared.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

In order to achieve the climate targets in Austria, innovative and fast remediation solutions are needed. One possible approach, which can be expedient for a large proportion of the buildings to be renovated, is the serial, modular refurbishment, in which existing buildings are renovated in an inhabited state with the help of modular prefabricated elements, including integrated building technology to high energy efficiency.

Serial refurbishment is on the rise throughout Europe. Starting in the Netherlands, serial refurbishment is being disseminated by the Global Energiesprong Alliance throughout Europe as the Energiesprong initiative. In Germany, serial refurbishment has already passed the pilot project phase (49 projects completed, 25 more under construction and over 146 in planning).

Numerous successful pilot projects for serial refurbishment have already been implemented in Austria,. However, in order to convince the players on both sides - the housing cooperatives) and the manufacturer / the construction industry and to recognise the market potential, a feasibility study or market analysis with concrete figures is needed.

Contents and goals

The aim of the study is to present and analyse serial renovations of large-scale buildings in Europe (including the Austrian demo projects). The evaluation of the market and suitable typologies as well as the derivation of recommendations for action from the experiences of national and international refurbishment projects and models to promote market development in Austria.

For the construction industry to recognize the market potential and convince the players on both the manufacturing and demand side (housing cooperatives), a feasibility study or market analysis with concrete figures that demonstrate the potential is needed.


International renovation models and processes, such as Energiesprong, will be analysed and the key findings will be examined for their feasibility in the Austrian context. To assess the market potential in Austria, the building stock is analyzed quantitatively for the applicability of serial refurbishment.

Previously implemented projects and international refurbishment models and processes, such as Energiesprong, are analyzed and the key findings are examined for their feasibility in the Austrian context. In addition, discussions will be held with selected relevant stakeholders and experts in order to pick up their experiences and gain deeper insights

In addition, obstacles and the need for adaptation - with a focus on housing regulations, building and energy law - are identified, proposals for adapting the framework conditions and subsidies as well as information on the need for further research are developed and finally recommendations for action on market development in Austria are derived.

Expected results

The expected results of this R&D service are a publishable study that presents the potential for the serial refurbishment market, the current state of the art, promising strategies and concrete recommendations for action for the breakthrough of serial refurbishment in Austria

Project Partners

Project management


Cooperation partners

  • Dr.DI Cornelia Ninaus & DI Armin Knotzer - AEE INTEC
  • FH-Doz.Dr. Wolfgang Amann & Dr.MMag Alexis Mundt - IIBW
  • Ing. Arch. Martin Ploss & Thomas Roßkopf-Nachbaur MSc - EIV

Contact Address

Mag. Arch Constance Weiser
Schottenfeldgasse 12/1
A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (664) 393 71 58