OWA’s future - Otto Wagner Area: A trend-setting transformation from a medical institution into a NEB neighbourhood

Development of qualitative and quantitative planning objectives as well as an implementation strategy for the transformation of the Otto Wagner Area along the New European Bauhaus guidelines. The basis is formed by interdisciplinary expert forums, which provide important insights for the necessary transformation of existing areas and buildings in other cities as well.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

The Otto-Wagner-Area (OWA) is about to experience a substantial transformation in the upcoming years. After more than a century of clinical use, the listed ensemble designed by Otto Wagner is to be transformed into a trend-setting and innovative location for science, education, art and culture, social affairs, health and tourism. Important foundations for the success of this transformation have already been laid in recent years.

Contents and goals

The project now creates the opportunity to take a further, decisive step towards the development of the Otto Wagner Area into a New European Bauhaus (NEB) inspired neighbourhood. The goal is to set an inspiring example for other cities in the climate-friendly further development and upgrading of existing quarters.


A dialogue-oriented process design is being implemented, with interdisciplinary expert forums at its heart. These forums will work on the development of quantitative and qualitative planning objectives based on the fundamental values of aesthetics - sustainability - inclusion and a vision for the realisation of the NEB Otto-Wagner-Area based on the working principles of participation - transdisciplinarity - scalability.

Besides the (1) issues of decarbonisation and thermal-energetic upgrading, special attention will be paid to the following topics: (2) new forms of mixed use and innovative forms of multiple use, (3) the reinterpretation and design of green and open spaces in line with the needs of a diverse urban society and (4) the appropriation and promotion of ownership processes to turn neighbourhoods into fully-fledged parts of a city.

A special asset is the power of disposal over all 34 pavilions, the green and open spaces and the technical infrastructure by the property owner „Otto Wagner Areal Revitalisierung GmbH" (OWA GmbH). This enables extraordinary leverage and room for manoeuvre with regard to innovation, urban prototyping, regulatory sandboxes and pilot projects.

Expected results

The results of the project can be directly implemented in further development steps by the development company represented in the project team. The OWA GmbH, as a publicly owned property owner, can furthermore set an example by preparing innovative instruments and solutions as part of the project and, by demonstrating solutions, reduce the investment risks for private individuals and increase their willingness to invest.

Knowledge transfer, synergy effects and a high innovation content of the project are ensured through the creation of synergies, learning and cooperation potential with innovation laboratories as part of the "City of the Future" programme.

The development of precise quantitative and qualitative planning objectives as well as an implementation strategy including a financing plan and timetable will not only create a framework for the further transformation and development of the area, but also provide important insights that are highly relevant for the transformation of existing areas and buildings in cities beyond the site itself.

Project Partners

Project management

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

Project or cooperation partners

  • Otto Wagner Areal Revitalisierung GmbH
  • TU Wien / Hochbau und Gebäudeerhaltung

Contact Address

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH
Mag. Herbert Bartik
Operngasse 17-21
A-1040 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (664) 883 568 95
E-mail: bartik@urbaninnovation.at
Web: www.urbaninnovation.at