FluccoSan - Circular energy flexibility for resilient, climate-neutral refurbishments

FluccoSan aims to develop innovative and cost-effective refurbishment solutions for the building sector that contribute to achieving the Austrian federal government's climate targets. The focus is on energy-efficient, minimally invasive and socially acceptable measures, so-called “dynamic renovations”. By integrating the circular economy and social science research, these solutions should ensure long-term sustainability and a high level of acceptance among users. Status: ongoing

Short Description

Starting point / Motivation

In view of the Austrian federal government's climate targets, which aim to achieve climate neutrality and a 100% renewable energy supply by 2040, the building sector faces the challenge of reducing its energy consumption by around 40%.

However, the current renovation rate in Austria is insufficient and would have to be more than doubled in order to achieve the targeted annual rate of 3%. Strategies such as "deep renovation" aim to achieve comprehensive renovation concepts, but these cannot be implemented immediately across the board, partly due to the high costs involved.

It is therefore necessary to identify effective, simple and minimally invasive renovation steps, i.e. "dynamic renovations", and to evaluate their savings potential.

Content and goals

The main objective of the project is to identify additional potential in the refurbishment of existing buildings that are more energy-flexible, resilient, cost-efficient and socially acceptable than the current status quo.

The specific sub-goals include the development of "dynamic refurbishment solutions", the review of these solutions in terms of their building physics behavior and the development of a holistic evaluation concept that takes climate neutrality, resilience and recyclability into account.

The focus is on sustainability and climate neutrality, with gender-specific issues and the social acceptance of the measures also being examined.


The project is methodically approached through a combination of experimental studies, accompanying social science research, dynamic simulation and holistic evaluation. The experimental testing includes the investigation of the physical properties of the developed refurbishment solutions as well as the measurement and analysis of comfort parameters in different test settings.

At the same time, social acceptance studies are carried out in order to identify and understand the acceptance limits of the users. The evaluation of the solutions will take into account life cycle costs, energy flexibility and resource efficiency, with a special focus on the integration of circular economy principles.

Expected Results

The project is expected to develop refurbishment solutions that make a significant contribution to climate neutrality and energy flexibility while being cost-effective and socially acceptable.

The results should show how minimally invasive measures based on the Pareto principle can significantly reduce energy consumption while still remaining within the user's comfort band.

In addition, the solutions developed are expected to contribute to increasing the resilience of buildings to climatic and geopolitical challenges. The integration of circular economy strategies should also ensure the long-term sustainability of the renovation projects.

The project aims to provide both theoretical and practical approaches that can be incorporated into future refurbishment measures and contribute to achieving Austria's climate targets.

Project Partners

Project management

FH Technikum Wien – Forschungsfeld Renewable Energy Systems

Project or cooperation partners

  • IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH
  • Kleboth und Dollnig ZT GmbH
  • TB Käferhaus GmbH
  • renowave.at e.G

Contact Address

FH Technikum Wien
Kompetenzfeld Climate fit Buildings and Districts
DI Thomas Zelger
Giefinggasse 6
A-1210 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (1) 333 40 77-5663
E-mail: thomas.zelger@technikum-wien.at
Web: www.technikum-wien.at/forschungsschwerpunkt-renewable-energy-systems/