Pioneer City - Partnership for Climate Neutral Cities 2030

With its participation in the "Mission:Klimaneutrale Stadt", the City of Innsbruck is pursuing the goal of setting the course for achieving climate neutrality. In addition to the creation of structures within the city administration, climate-effective measures are being tested in the existing "Eichhof"-residential quarter together with the stakeholders. Successful measures shall then be implemented throughout the city. The intensive exchange with the other pioneer cities, the conscious use of synergy and the associated broad spectrum of knowledge and experience are necessary resources for the implementation of this project

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

Climate change as a global phenomenon is having a more tangible and comprehensive impact on the reality of people's lives than ever before. Especially in urban areas, resilience needs to be built and the environment needs to be adapted to the new conditions.

Contents and goals

Together with other pioneer cities, the Municipality of Innsbruck wants to act as a role model and push ahead with these climate change adaptations as a quickly as possible. By participating in the "Mission:Klimaneutrale Stadt" the city of Innsbruck is pursuing the goal of setting the course for achieving climate neutrality. In order to accelerate this achievement, there will be a focus on the following interrelated topics:

  • Urban governance
  • Climate neutrality relevant processes
  • Legal framework
  • Data basis and monitoring
  • Climate-neutral quarter development
  • Knowledge-transfer and joint solution finding with the other pioneer cities

Methods / implementation

As a cornerstone for the transformation to a climate-neutral city, climate neutrality must be anchored and implemented in urban governance. The overarching goal of administrative innovation requires, above all, reliability and commitment of the top-level management (mayor, director of the municipal administration and department heads) who can only set the necessary levers in motion to implement the relevant strategies, decisions and processes at the local level by acting in concert.

The project builds on the close cooperation with the building directorate that took place in the course of "Fit4Urban mission". Above all, legal obstacles to the effective realization of climate-neutral projects are to be identified and appropriate measures initiated.

Further steps towards a climate-neutral municipality include raising awareness in the area of procurement, a holistic climate-neutral approach in combination with the advancement of digitalization, as well as constant positioning and prioritization of climate issues in all budgeting processes of small and large projects of the City of Innsbruck.

The most important stakeholders for achieving climate neutrality in Innsbruck are, besides the city magistrate, the Innsbrucker Immobiliengesellschaft (IIG), the Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe (IKB) and the Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe (IVB). The residential quarter is one hundred percent owned by IIG and will serve as a model for the investigation of areas to achieve climate neutrality in the future. 

The identification and adaptation of the processes require intensive exchange between implementer and authority. IKB, as the institution responsible for waste disposal, water and energy supply, and IVB, as a mobility service provider and important actor with regard to the targeted decarbonization of the vehicle fleet, play a significant role in achieving climate neutrality in Innsbruck.

Together with the aforementioned stakeholders and other relevant actors such as Innsbruck Airport and the University of Innsbruck, a city-wide greenhouse gas balance is to be drawn up, will be updated annually and shall highlight the progress towards climate neutrality.

Furthermore, a controlling tool is to be installed to ensure short-term and evidence-based decision-making through permanent evaluation of collected and to-be-collected data. This will ensure targeted correction to achieve the climate goals.

The accompanying process for public-public cooperation includes demand-oriented consulting and networking in technical and content-related questions on the way to climate neutrality. The City of Innsbruck would like to make full use of this offer and, together with the other pioneer cities, create a learning environment with and for each other, through which knowledge building and the achievement of climate-neutrality can be accelerated.

Expected results

Through the holistic identification, analysis and optimization of all business processes with regard to climate effectiveness, the constant re-evaluation and control through data management and the intensive exchange with the other pioneer cities, the foundation for achieving climate neutrality by 2030 will be laid in the next few years.

Project Partners

Project management

Innsbruck, office of the head of the magistrate


Contact Address

Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck
Büro der Magistratsdirektorin
Dr.techn. Marcus Maier
Projektleitung: „Mission: Klimaneutrale Stadt"
Maria-Theresien Straße 18
Tel.: +43 (512) 5360 3361




Further project with the participation of the City of Innsbruck

INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate neutral Innsbruck 2030

Cities are the place where decarbonization strategies for energy, transport and buildings intersect. A few years ago, the municipality of Innsbruck set up a Smart City Group consisting of staff from the municipality, IIG, IKB and IVB to address this challenge. The goal of INN'F4UM is to develop a step-by-step plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city by 2030, building on an up-to-date representation of energy and resource flows together with the University of Innsbruck.

Project duration: 2021 - 2022