ZEBdemo - Development and demonstration of a scalable zero emission building for the realization of climate-neutral cities

The ZEBdemo project is developing and demonstrating a scalable zero-emission building that drastically reduces CO2 equivalent emissions during the construction phase by using building materials such as clay bricks and straw insulation. At the same time, operational emissions are minimized through an intelligent, data-driven energy management system.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

The realization of climate neutrality in urban buildings and neighbourhoods demands innovative solutions that combine high building quality with minimal resource consumption and minimal emissions during operation. ZEBdemo addresses this challenge through a holistic approach aimed at reducing CO2 equivalent (CO2-eq) emissions throughout the life-cycle of residential buildings.

While passive measures during the usage phase have already led to significant emission reductions, the materials and processes required for higher thermal insulation standards lead to increased CO2-eq emissions during the construction phase. Studies indicate that pre-use carbon emissions could account for up to 50% of a building's life cycle emissions in the future, underscoring the central role of reducing embedded carbon in building materials.

Contents and goals

Therefore, ZEBdemo focuses on a comprehensive approach that significantly reduces CO2-eq emissions already in the production and construction of building materials while simultaneously creating the conditions to minimize operational emissions through active load shifting.

By the targeted development of clay bricks, straw insulation, clay-based hygrothermal ceiling elements, and permeable road surfaces, CO2-eq intensive materials such as reinforced concrete and mineral oil-based insulation materials and road coverings are replaced. The low-CO2-eq building materials used make a significant contribution to reducing the emissions emitted during production and to improving the circular economy and regional value creation.

At the same time, the use of clay in building construction and in the radiant heating and cooling system ensures high thermal inertia of the overall system.


The reduction of CO2-eq emissions during the operational phase is achieved through a novel Building Emission Management system. It enables the adjustment of heat pump performance so that electrical energy is only consumed during periods of low CO2-eq emissions (high wind energy share in the public grid or locally available photovoltaic generation).

The thermal inertia of the building is utilized for load shifting. Additionally, the integration possibilities of radiant heating and cooling systems, shading, PV system, electrical storage, etc., are considered. Furthermore, thermal comfort requirements are addressed using constrain functions. Data-driven methods (Data Driven Predictive Control Approach) are employed to enhance scalability.

Expected results

The developed materials and methods are evaluated in a long-term test in a demonstration building to comprehensively analyse their effects on hygrothermal comfort, avoidance of summer overheating and CO2-eq savings potentials. The insights gained are then transferred to multi-story residential construction to demonstrate their applicability for creating climate-neutral cities and confirm the scalability of the solutions.

Project Partners

Project management

Forschung Burgenland GmbH

Project or cooperation partners

  • Heizbär GesmbH
  • OVUM Heiztechnik GmbH
  • René Schuch GmbH

Contact Address

Magdalena Ringhofer
Steinamangerstrasse 2
A-7423 Pinkafeld
Tel.: +43 (5) 7705 5446
E-mail: magdalena.ringhofer@forschung-burgenland.at
Web: www.forschung-burgenland.at