Tariffs4all - Participation of the citizens from Bruck in the energy transition for all

The project responds to the challenges of participation in the energy transition in the municipality of Bruck/Mur by exploring the possibilities of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Peer to Peer Trading (P2P Trading) and virtual metering points for generation plants be developed and implemented as a basis for new tariff/financing models.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

The ElWG-draft published at the beginning of 2024 aims to increase the empowerment of end customers in the energy system (participation in the energy system and increased motivation to drive forward the energy transition). The Energy Industry Act provides for a comprehensive change in the conditions for end customers. This enables genuine peer-to-peer (P2P) trading.

This "peer-to-peer trading" provides for the direct marketing of electricity (surplus from a generation plant can be sold directly to other consumers without an intermediary energy marketer). The ElWG also enables Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), which are long-term contracts with an annual delivery volume from electricity producers directly to end customers.

Virtual metering points are also permitted, which make it possible for several generation plants to share a grid connection. The Energy Industry Act also provides for customers to be able to have several electricity supply contracts at the same time in future (e.g. with an energy community, as a PPA and the remaining supply via an energy supply company).

Contents and goals

How the above models complement or exclude each other is a central question of the project. The rules in force to date have not made it possible for everyone to invest in renewable generation plants in a meaningful way.

The project therefore responds to the challenges of participation in the energy transition in the municipality of Bruck/Mur by exploring the possibilities of power purchase agreements (PPAs), peer-to-peer trading (P2P trading) and virtual metering points for generation plants as the basis for new tariff/financing models.


The Tariffs4all project is the first research project to look at the new opportunities offered by the Energy Act for participation in the energy transition and to derive innovative tariff/financing models for projects in the field of the energy transition. Previous approaches to investing in and participating in the energy transition are only partially inclusive, open or flexible in terms of accessibility.

Tariffs4all goes well beyond the state of the art here to see how PPAs, virtual metering points and P2P trading can create a basis for participation in the energy transition for all. The instruments described enable citizens, businesses and municipalities to participate more directly in the energy transition by enabling the direct trading of electricity, the shared use of grid infrastructure and the individual marketing of electricity generation. With this project, the municipality can also take significant steps to combat energy poverty. This project approach also puts a significant brake on vacancies.

Expected results

The project provides at least 5 tariff/financing models for the participation of all groups in a city (population, businesses, municipality, low-income households, inner-city stakeholders, etc.) and implements at least 2 models in reality. Initial findings from the application of the new possibilities of the ElWG will also be developed.

Finally, the project provides essential foundations for innovative tariff/financing models and enables increased participation and a socially just and inclusive energy transition in Bruck an der Mur. As a result, a diversified and more resilient energy infrastructure can be created and new innovative business models that make sense for everyone will be made available.

Project Partners

Project management

4ward Energy Research Ltd.

Project or cooperation partners

  • Energy Services Handels- und Dienstleistungs G.m.b.H.
  • Niederhuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
  • Stadtgemeinde Bruck an der Mur
  • Stadtwerke Bruck an der Mur GmbH

Contact Address

Dr. Thomas Nacht
Reininghausstrasse 13A
A-8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 (664) 88 500 33 6
E-mail: thomas.nacht@4wardenergy.at
Web: www.4wardenergy.at