SAFE - Creating a safe school environment together

Tactical urbanism for the temporary redesign of school surroundings to reorganize school mobility in a participatory process. The resulting catalogue of measures will serve as a blueprint for an implementation at other schools in Austria.

Short Description

Starting point/motivation

According to Statistics Austria, there were 418 accidents on the way to school throughout Austria in 2022. A total of 434 children were injured in these accidents and one of them was killed (Statistics Austria, VCÖ 2023).

At the same time, every fifth school child in Austria is still brought to school by car. This leads to an increased volume of traffic in front of many schools at the beginning of lessons, which subsequently endangers children and other road users. Many parents take their children to school by car out of concern for their safety. However, the so-called "parent taxis" often do not consider that they are endangering the safety of other children.

The safe way to school is important so that parents can trust that their children will get to school safely on their own. Children can acquire skills at an early age in a controlled setting on their independent way to school, which they can also apply to their leisure activities. In addition, active mobility promotes cognitive and physical development and contributes to children's health.

Contents and goals

The aim of the research project is to reorganize school mobility in a participatory manner. Pupils, parents, teachers, community representatives and residents are involved in the form of a Mobility Council in order to jointly develop improved and safe mobility solutions for everyday school life. This is based on extensive surveys and interviews with those involved.

The aim is to reduce the proportion of those who are brought to school by car. Solutions can be the organization of a pedi or bici bus, the creation of carpools, the regulation of a school street, space for scooter or bicycle parking facilities, the creation of a meeting point in front of the school building or similar. What exactly will be implemented will be decided by the Mobility Council.


Temporary actions and measures (Tactical Urbanism) allow the chosen solutions to be tested in the school environment. For example, the school forecourt is to become a safe place for everyone to move and spend time by temporarily blocking is and painting it with spray chalk

 In this way, the new space can be tried out and touched. The temporary measures will be evaluated and form the basis for solutions that contribute to a lasting improvement in road safety in the school environment. For the implementation, the interface with politics, administration and public transport companies will be established.

Through the participatory process, the specific problems are addressed in detail and measures are developed that are supported by all target groups. Trying out solutions in the form of Tactical Urbanism makes it possible to test measures before permanent redesigns occur. Through the evaluation, the effectiveness will be checked, measures will be adapted if necessary, and experiences for other schools will be documented and published.

Expected results

The consolidation of knowledge about safe and environmentally friendly school mobility is ensured by a Mobility Officer at each school location. This officer will pass on the knowledge to new parents and students beyond the duration of the project. A flyer will contain mobility tips for future parents.
The result will be a safe way to school for the children and a safe school environment for all.


Project Partners

Project management

di*mann - engineering office for spatial planning

Project or cooperation partners

  • Con.sens traffic planning zt gmbh
  • District administration of the 8th district
  • Elementary school Lange Gasse
  • District administration of the 9th district
  • School competence center for prevention, inclusion, and rehabilitation - elementary school in Alsergrund
  • Municipality of Langenzersdorf
  • Elementary school Langenzersdorf
  • Municipality of Wolkersdorf
  • High school Wolkersdorf
  • Municipality of Mürzzuschlag
  • Herta Reich high school Mürzzuschlag

Contact Address

DI Andrea Mann
Theresiengasse 35/9
A-1180 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (699) 1 23 63 162