Tulln Climate Neutral City 2040 (Tulln2040)
Short Description

The city of Baden has been a climate and energy model region (KEM) since 2011 and received the gold award in the European Energy Award in 2019. Now Baden is setting itself higher goals: The city aims to become climate-neutral by 2040. As a first important step, the municipality of Baden started an innovative process with citizens, the so-called „Badener Klimarat" to work out recommendations on proper measures to become CO2-neutral by 2040. In a next step, existing data and activities are brought together in a climate neutrality roadmap for 2040.
In terms of climate protection, tangible measures are needed to turn the tide and keep the world liveable for future generations. As a municipality, we have set ourselves concrete goals here - both in our own sphere of influence and in terms of raising awareness among the population. I am therefore very pleased that we can continue to drive this forward as part of the "Climate Neutral City" mission.
Project Partners
Project management
Municipality of Tulln
Contact Address
Stadtgemeinde Tulln
Abteilung Umwelt, Energie und Wasserwirtschaft
DI Ingrid Scharf
Minoritenplatz 1
3430 Tulln
Tel.: +43 2272 690 231
E-Mail: ingrid.scharf@tulln.gv.at