Climate neutrality roadmaps for pioneering small towns: Mödling 2040

As an e5 municipality, the municipality of Mödling has been dealing with topics such as energy efficiency and renewable energies for years and has already implemented many projects on these topics. However, climate neutrality has so far only been addressed marginally and there is a lack of strategic orientation in climate policy.

Short Description

Aerial view of the city Mödling
City Mödling (Stadtgemeinde Mödling)

In the course of the revision of the local development concept and in the meetings of the e5 team, the topic was discussed more intensively and the development of a climate neutrality roadmap was suggested.

Under the title "Mödling 2040", a coordinated strategy and dialog process is to be carried out in order to define goals in the areas of energy, buildings, mobility and spatial development. The focus is on developing an implementation plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2040, with the involvement of political decision-makers and stakeholders from administration, business and civil society. The climate strategy is intended to provide the municipality with a roadmap that ensures important climate policy decisions can be prepared. Based on the process for developing the climate strategy, a suitable governance model should also be developed. This model will define areas of responsibility, address any necessary capacity and competence building in the administration and explore financing options.

I am delighted that Mödling is taking part in the accompanying process of the “Mission Climate Neutral City” together with other pioneering cities in order to exchange valuable experiences and develop innovative solutions for Mödling. We can benefit from the experiences of other cities and together make a significant contribution to achieving the climate targets.

Otto Rezac, MA, City Councillor for Climate Protection, Environment and Energy

Project Partners

Project lead

Stadtgemeinde Mödling
Referat für Energie, Klima- und Umweltschutz
DI Daniel Rotter, BSc

Project partners

  • Raumposition OG
  • Con.sens Verkehrsplanung ZT-GmbH
  • Emrich Consulting ZT-GmbH

Contact Address

Stadt Mödling
Referat für Energie, Klima- und Umweltschutz
Fabriksgasse 5-9
2340 Mödling
Tel.: 02236 400 462