Climate strategy for the Leibnitz city region 2040

Leibnitz has defined and adopted clear climate policy targets up to 2040 in its energy strategy. A further decisive step towards these goals was taken on 6 February 2024, when the municipal council unanimously approved the work on the "Climate Strategy City Region Leibnitz 2040" and participation in the "Mission Climate Neutral City".

Short Description

Stadtgemeinde Leibnitz
(Stadtgemeinde Leibnitz © Kölbl)

The city of Leibnitz is growing steadily thanks to its favourable location between Graz and Maribor. The population rose by 28.8% to 13,014 between 1991 and 2023, accompanied by dynamic tourism with an increase of 79.6% in overnight stays between 2001 and 2022. This growth is expected to continue and supported by large infrastructure projects.

Leibnitz has defined and adopted clear climate policy targets up to 2040 in its energy strategy. A further decisive step towards these goals was taken on 6 February 2024, when the municipal council unanimously approved the work on the "Climate Strategy City Region Leibnitz 2040" and participation in the "Mission Climate Neutral City".

The climate strategy aims to bundle existing goals and measures, develop them further in a targeted manner and involve key players at an early stage. The declared aim is to achieve the expected growth of the city with the highest quality for the city's residents and the local economy, in harmony with sustainable development goals. Special focus is placed on the design of the measures. Intensive work is being done here to promote acceptance during the design phase and to ensure that their impact.

As a pioneering city for climate neutrality, we want to take further steps towards a sustainable and liveable future for our city in the coming years, building on our previous measures.

Mag. Michael Schumacher, Mayor of Leibnitz

Project Partners

Project lead

Stadt: DP Ing. Astrid Holler
Abteilung Stadtentwicklung und -geschichte

Project partners

  • MOURA. Mobilität und Raum e.U.
  • Raumposition OG

Contact Address

Stadtgemeinde Leibnitz
Abteilung Stadtentwicklung und -geschichte
DP Ing. Astrid Holler
Tel.: +43 3452 / 824 23 – 156
M: +43 664 /88 260 648