KLARA Amstetten: Klimaneutralitätsfahrplan Amstetten – Roadmap to Action
Short Description

Cities play an important role in achieving climate neutrality, as they are responsible for around three quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions.
Many individual climate protection measures have already been implemented in the municipality of Amstetten, e.g. in the field of renewable energies, in green spaces or in urban planning and development. However, there is currently no climate strategy, and as the district capital, Amstetten aims to take a pioneering role and become climate-neutral alongside other pioneering towns in Austria.
For the first time, goals for a climate-neutral Amstetten are defined and the necessary climate protection and climate change adaptation measures are developed and fields of action are prioritised. The involvement of local actors and stakeholders through moderated workshops and other communication and participation tools is a central element throughout the entire duration of the project.

The project aims to make structural changes to internal administrative structures, anchoring climate neutrality in all relevant processes, measures and structures within the city in the long term.
The main result is a realisable and widely accepted climate neutrality roadmap, defining goals, strategies and measures to achieve climate neutrality for Amstetten by 2035/2040. A detailed implementation plan with possible financing options for the first two years and a rough plan for the following years will be drawn up. The results will be shared with other pioneering cities through active participation in the Climate and Energy Fund/BMK monitoring process.
Project Partners
Project lead
Stadtgemeinde Amstetten
Mag. Sylvia Bartl
Referat Umwelt, Klima und Nachhaltigkeit (I/4)
Project partner
- Stadtwerke Amstetten GmbH
- Niederösterreichische Energie- und Umweltagentur GmbH
- Kurt Leonhartsberger MSc
As a pioneering town, we want to set a good example. This requires further, clearly defined measures that are implemented step by step so that we can achieve our climate target.
Contact Address
Mag. Sylvia Bartl
Rathausstraße 1, 3300 Amstetten
Tel.: 07472-601-276
E-Mail: s.bartl@amstetten.at
Web: www.amstetten.at
Web: www.klimaneutrales-amstetten.at