Austrian Dialogue Forum Mission Climate-Neutral City
Content Description
Day 2 (22 October 2024): Learning together, acting together for the climate-neutral city
The 22 October, the second day of the Dialogue Forum, will focus on joint learning between city administrations, research and innovation projects and European partners. It offers the opportunity to connect and discuss the different approaches to working across levels and sectors in other national Cities Mission platforms. We warmly invite partners and stakeholders from the CapaCITIES network to join the hybrid morning sessions in English (and, if possible, the following sessions on-site in German).
There will be two parallel tracks in the morning:
- Next steps in the EU city mission: policy-making and climate partnerships between the levels [hybrid, English]
- Exchange, networking and learning with knowledge and tools from mobility and energy projects [on-site, German]
Programme for Online-Participants
Zoom-Link will be sent after registration
- 09:40 Policy-making in dialogue: Ambitious activities and formats for the implementation of the climate-neutral city (hybrid Fish Bowl Discussion)
- 10:45 Break
- 11:05 Climate partnerships between the public and private sector (hybrid Fish Bowl Discussion)
- 12:15 End
Programme on-site
Event Location: IMLAUER Hotel Pitter, Rainerstraße 6, 5020 Salzburg
- 08:30 Ankommen, Café trinken, informeller Austausch
- 09:00 Willkommen und Impuls für den Tag
- 09:40 Parallel-Sessions
TRACK 1 – Policy-making in dialogue: Ambitious activities and formats for the implementation of the climate-neutral city (Fish Bowl Discussion) [hybrid, Englisch, Plätze begrenzt]
TRACK 2 – Austausch und Vernetzung mit den Innovations- und Mobilitätslaboren (Pitches und Marktplatz) - 10:45 Pause
- 11:05 Parallel-Sessions
TRACK 1 – Climate partnerships between the public and private sector (Fish Bowl Discussion) [hybrid, Englisch, Plätze begrenzt]
TRACK 2 – Austausch und Vernetzung mit den Projekten aus Driving Urban Transitions (Fokus: Energie und Mobilität) (interaktive Postersession) - 12:15 Mittagessen und Vernetzung
- 13:15 Schnittmengen, Potentiale und nächste Schritte für die klimaneutralen Stadt (Pro-Action Café)
- 14:40 Zusammenfassung und Abschluss
- 15:00 Ende des Dialogforums
Contact Address
Maximilian Jäger
Mobil: +43 676 477 90 82